Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ok, I am 7 days late today and getting negative HPT results. Is that normal?

I am 27 and going crazy over this whole mess. I already have 1 son and with him the first test I took was a cheap dollar store test adn it came back positive right away. My last cycle started on June 1 and I usually run 30++ days. I had sex on June 17. On July 1 I was late and I took a test on July 3. Negative. I then waited 3 days and took another one today, July 7. Negative. I have some symptoms such as very tired,lower back aches, cramps in my feet, sore breast,and feeling queasy off and of throughout the day,and slight cramping for the last week. I usually only get cramps on the day I start, never before. I really want to be pregnant and this is driving me crazy!!! Any info would be really helpful. Thanks

Ok, I am 7 days late today and getting negative HPT results. Is that normal?met opera

Sometimes the home pregnancy test cant dect pregnancy until you are a little farther along . Wait about 3 more days then right when you wake up in the moring take the test . The urine that has been in your bladder all night has a stronger hormone level in it . 7 days late dosent always point blank mean pregnancy . Have you been under alot of stress? Sometimes worring over your period will make it late . But , if this has never happened to you before then I would think you probley are pregnant . Just a little early . If you want to you can get one of those blood test but, they are costly . I would just wait a bit more and retest ! I wish you the very best of luck and, much happiness!

Ok, I am 7 days late today and getting negative HPT results. Is that normal?movie theatre opera theater

Um... get a blood test done. It is more reiable if you aren't sure. The best of luck getting pregnant!
maybe the anxiety of finding out is delaying your period from coming or maybe you have your dates wrong.??

Possibility that you are pg and I would get a blood test done with your doctor or buy an early response pregnancy test

good luck
u need 2 stay calm esp if u r pregnant, go to ur treatment room and get a test done or go to a chemist and buy a better testing kit.
Never mind waiting. I know it is Saturday and if you can find a Doc that is working on a Sat and you can get a blood test done and if you have the coverage go and get the blood test done. Nothing will put your mind at ease knowing that there is a possibility. Especially when you are TTC. If not, go and get another high quality HPT and go to bed early tonight and when you wake up in the morning to go to the bathroom (making sure that at least 4 hours has passed) pee on that stick. I know what it is like that 2 week waiting period, you just want to crawl out of your skin cause you are so anxious. I hope you are pregnant cause you sure sound like it from what I have read. Please let me know if you are:) BABY DUST IS COMING YOUR WAY
i am on the same cycle as you. i was supposed to orig start on 06/30 but didnt have af show. i had the cramps, achiness, and what i thought were other preg symptoms. well the ol witch showed up yesterday, exactly a week late! ahh! i took several preg tests before and after missed af all negative. I hope this is not true for you! best of luck! baby dust.
I've been in this same situation. The added stress of not knowing delays your period even more. I was 2 weeks late, had what I thought were pregnancy symptoms, and I finally started, after being relaxed, on vacation!

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