Thursday, December 10, 2009

From those who've done it late in life, would you recommend getting circumcised?

Basically I've been thinking about getting a circumcision done, I'm in my mid-twenties.

I keep hearing about how American women find it completely unappealing and nasty to still have your foreskin, and that they enjoy it more from a guy that is circumcised.

But I have also heard that when you get circumcised, you loose feeling in your penis and sex isn't as pleasurable anymore. Then I've also heard that an uncircumcised penis feels better, according to women. Which totally contradicts what I've mentioned in the first half.

So from those guys who have gotten it done later in life, would you recommend getting a circumcision? Yes, or no, and why?

From those who've done it late in life, would you recommend getting circumcised?opera sheet music

Do not get a circumcision.

The foreskin keeps the glans soft and moist and protects it from trauma and injury. Without this protection, the glans becomes dry, calloused, and desensitized from exposure and chafing.

Specialized nerve endings in the foreskin enhance sexual pleasure.

The foreskin may have functions not yet recognized or understood.

[ ]

"Circumcision removes the most sensitive parts of the penis and decreases the fine-touch pressure sensitivity of glans penis. The most sensitive regions in the uncircumcised penis are those parts ablated by circumcision. When compared to the most sensitive area of the circumcised penis, several locations on the uncircumcised penis that are missing from the circumcised penis were significantly more sensitive." Circumcision removes as much as 75% of sensation [ ].

The foreskin reduces the force required by the penis to enter the vagina. It also increases the sexual enjoyment of the female partner. Here is a study to back this up:

Circumcised males have a much higher rate of sexual dysfunction. [ ]

The vast majority of the world(83%) is not circumcised.

There is no good reason to perform male genital mutilation

No medical institution in the developed world actually recommends the practice.

The following link contains the position of medical societies in English speaking countries on circumcision. Specifically British Medical Association, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Canadian Paediatric Society, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Australian College of Paediatrics and Australasian Association of Paediatric Surgeons:

From those who've done it late in life, would you recommend getting circumcised?shows opera theater

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That just sounds ouchy
Coming from a woman who has had sex with both circumcised and un-circumcised men I can safely tell you both were quite pleasurable. If you feel selfconcious about it get it done. If you feel fine, then don't. It should be about how you feel.

Also, yes we American women find it more appealing when men are circumcised.
My Perspective as an American Woman:

I prefer uncircumcised. I like that there's more skin to play with and roll around. Plus it makes it so lubrication isn't always necessary for a hand job, you know?

I would think that you would loose a bit of sensitivity on the head. With the foreskin, the head is always protected. Without, it would get desensitized.

I don't understand why women seem to hate foreskin. It's what's natural after all. I guess it's all in what you're used to.

Anyway, I think if you want to get it done, go for it. It's your choice, right?

I love how the first 4 people to answer this question are female, lol
i'm not a guy but i never had my son done. my husband wasnt and we have been married forover 38 years have three kids. and we have great sex. it is just a matter of taking care of it or not. if you keep it clean then it is ok .not to. but if not then you should. i also heard it was worse on you if you were older.
my son in law had it done awhile back .he said it is very painful he had to have it done it was a medcial issure. he said if he had any sons they would have it done as a baby
Well i don't think there is a difference, It is all what you want and would feel better doing. My husband is not circumcised but we circumcised both of our sons. Do what makes you feel better.
Im American and Ive had both, but I prefer uncircumzed. I just find it easier to pleasure and dont need lubes. you should let your girl try it, because I thought I wouldnt like it but then I ended up prefering it
In response to jellybean, studies have indeed found that circumcision negatively affects pleasure, sensitivity, and masturbation. There's a reason why it's becoming a lot less popular nowadays (it's as low as 14% in some states). You can see the sources in the link below.

In addition to Martin, make sure you check up on the risks. Otherwise, it's your call; being uncircumcised gives you the advantage to choose. Those that had it done are bound to prefer it, because obviously they had it done because they wanted to have it done, or due to medical reasons. Otherwise, the satisfaction rates are about the same according to surveys.
The problem with asking on such forums is that usually guys who get circumcised later in life do so for medical reasons, so obviously it's better. Guys who've been circumcised since birth have no idea. And guys who're uncircumcised and have no problems will generally try to convince you against it, if you're not doing it for medical reasons. Whoever you ask there's a bias. The best anyone can provide you are some facts, and here's a brief attempt. Ironically, pretty much everything you mentioned is at least partily true.

Circumcision removes the foreskin, which contains many nerve endings that may contribute to sexual sensitivity (link 1). In addition, several studies seem to indicate that the foreskin plays a role in the sexual satisfaction/pleasure of not only the man, but the woman as well (links 2, 3, 4). So statistically, sex will probably not feel as great after circumcision compared to before (but this isn't universally true).

Most women don't actually care if the penis is circumcised or not as long as it's clean, though many American women might find an uncircumcised penis weird the first time simply because they've never been exposed to one. Also a lot of women find the penis unattractive anyway, regardless of circumcision status, so that's not likely to change (they're more interested in what one can do with it). It might be worth noting that more and more guys in the US are uncircumcised, so as more women get "used to" it, the less they'll find it unappealing.

Finally, in my opinion (I'm not circumcised), as long as your foreskin is working normally, you maintain good genital hygiene, and you practice safe sex, you probably won't gain anything from circumcision. Thus I'd recommend against it. But it's your decision, and best of luck with whatever you decide.
Speaking as a woman who's had both, I strongly prefer an uncirc'd man. It just feels so much better. As for ppl saying women find it gross, if we know better than we don't. Some women are just either uneducated or closed minded, if your girl is uneducated, teach her the benefits, if she is judgemental about that it only goes to say that she will be about other things too and u dont want that. I suggest u keep it the way it is, once it's gone u cant get it back and what a shame it would b to lose such benefits.
I'm a woman who's had both and I have a strong preference for uncircumcised men.

I don't understand why you would get it done later on. If a woman is keen enough on you to have got to see your penis, it shouldn't make a difference. If you keep yourself clean there are no hygiene issues, and unlike jellybean I have never noticed any unpleasant odour from uncircumcised men. The musky, personal scent is appealing, just as the natural scent of a woman is appealing. A lot of American women seem negative about intact penises, but this is a learnt response, women in Europe would be the opposite. They just don't know what to do and believe what everyone else says. You just have to teach them the benefits.

If you aren't sure, don't have it done. You can't change your mind afterwards.
not true- you don't loose feeling in your penis. It's more hyegenic to have that extra skin removed. If ur in your mid 20's it will hurt quite a bit and the recovery time will be longer. Ask your doctor. I didn't circumsize my 4 yr old and i now regret it. I think i'm gonna do it in the next couple of months and not wait any longer. From a woman's perspective- it looks and smells better if ur circumsized. It just smells dirty when a guy is not circumsized. I prefer my men to be circumsized. I've had about 4 sexual partners and a couple of flings. out of 7 guys i've done it with 5 were circumsized and the other 2 weren't and sex was good still but i wouldn't go down on them because the odor was different and it bothered me. Trust me- these guys were clean guys but still- the foreskin covering the head will cause some kind of sweat to happen and therefore you'll get that odor women hate. I say- do it! for hyegenic purposes but it will hurt a bit make sure your doctor numbs you well. Note: the older the person (child, teen etc) the more expensive it is.

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