Saturday, December 5, 2009

My cousin was a few days late on her peroid and she said her breast wre sore and she was getting pai

side of her stomach which felt like somehting kicking. shes done a test it came back no result then she did another one and it came back negative now shes on her peorid but shes still getting the pains and she still has sore breast is she pregant.

My cousin was a few days late on her peroid and she said her breast wre sore and she was getting pains in the?globe theater

I think she is getting normal period pains, sore breasts and cramping - no big deal - tell her not to be so hysterical (especially after only a few days), after all, if shes mature enough to have unprotected sex then she should be old enough to understand the difference between period pains and pregnancy!!!!

My cousin was a few days late on her peroid and she said her breast wre sore and she was getting pains in the?oper opera theater

babies don't kick until their 4 or 5th month, so I don't think is the baby, also when you have your period, your breast sometimes get sore, so i don't think she is pregnant. just tell her to have protected sex next time, so she doesn't have to go through this again!
If she is a few days late, she will not feel anything kick. A period can make your breast sore and you can have cramps.

If she is having a period now, I seriously doubt she is pregnant.

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