Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am not getting my periods. Its already 11 days late. I even dont have any symptoms of pregnancy.?

I am married and my age is 25. I am a housewife. I am not getting my periods this month. I even dont have any symptoms of pregnancy. What should I do

I am not getting my periods. Its already 11 days late. I even dont have any symptoms of pregnancy.?performing arts show

some women go months into their pregnancy without having symptoms. A simple test will set your mind at ease.

I am not getting my periods. Its already 11 days late. I even dont have any symptoms of pregnancy.?opera cd opera theater

Either take a home pregnancy test or go to the doctors.
You don't necessarily HAVE symptoms when pregnant, espeically at this stage! Take a pregnancy test.
Sometimes a woman will miss a period here and there, if you are not getting it for months on end go to the doc. There are many other reasons to not get a period besides pregnancy.
Take the pregnancy at home test first of all since it's been 11 days since you've missed your period. Then schedule an appt with the OB to get you checked out!
take a home pregnancy test! If you aren't pg then see a Dr.
take a test! but also bare in mind many things can make periods late, including stress... and some of us do not get pregnancy symptoms straight away, or more commonly we miss them because they can feel just it does when your period is coming.
High stress levels, depression, not eating can all cause your problem. It's still a good idea to go to the doctor. Good Luck!
u don't need to have symptoms at this time, u'd be about 5-6 wks pregnant, it's normal to feel fine, go to ur dr and they will test u
It might just be an irregularity, but I would take a pregnancy test just in case...that way you have all your bases covered.

If it is negative, enjoy the month w/o your period, but you might want to stop smoking and drinking to make sure that if you are pregnant, the baby will not have any complications.

The most important thing is if you think your pregnant, stop smoking and drinking until you find out
Take a test. I am 19 weeks pregnant and i never get any symptoms. Although i did have sore breasts about 5 weeks late. Take a test or go to the doctor!
take a test your probslby strssing it but for wat i heard symptoms are not till later!!
Not getting a period is normal at times. Stress, exercise and many other things can cause this to happen. But as it has been stated before, stop any dangerous habits and see your doctor as soon as possible to rule out a pregnancy. Then you can see what your doctor thinks is causing the loss of your period.
When I first concieved I had no clue. I missed my period but only thought I might have been late. I waited and waited and it still didn't come. All I can say is take a test. I did and it was positve then I went to the doctor and got blood tested. I was pregnant and I soon after started having symptons. First I started to get sick, then tender breasts. Also being moody and sinsitive to everything starts to set in. But it takes awhile to start noticing any symptoms for some people. I would suggest you take a test first. Good luck to whatever ur hoping!
Am I pregnant? For some women this question brings thoughts of joy and for some feelings of uncertainty. Short of actually visiting your doctor and getting a blood test done, there is no real way to telling for sure if you are pregnant, but there are certain symptoms that you can be on the look out for just in case they start to appear later on down the road, normally more towards the second month of pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Missed period or a period with less bleeding than normal


Constipation - This symptom is caused by hormone changes, and the growing uterus pressing against the bowel.

Darkening of areola (breast nipple) - This can be one of the first symptoms which can appear as early as one week after conception and then throughout pregnancy.

Excessive salivation

Exhaustion or feeling sleepy - Can occur one to six weeks after conception and last your entire pregnancy.

Food cravings

Frequent urination - You may see this symptom six to eight weeks after conception and it will be with you for your entire pregnancy. This is caused by hormone changes and growing pressure on the bladder.


Increased sense of smell

Lower abdominal cramps

Nausea and vomiting - This symptom usually shows up two to ten weeks after conception. The degree in which you feel sick varies from none to full fledged vomiting. The terminology for this nausea is "morning sickness" by can happen at any time of the day. Hormone changes in your body cause this symptom.

Tender or swollen breasts - This symptom is one that can appear rather quickly after fertilization - one to two weeks after conception and will most likely be with you your entire pregnancy.

But remember:

Stress, illness, changes in diet and other situations can cause these symptoms as well. The only way to confirm your pregnancy is to take a home pregnancy test and then visit your doctor for confirmation. Home pregnancy tests are very reliable and most can show results as early as 10 to 14 days after fertilization.

To be totally certain of your pregnancy, you will need to visit your health care provider and get a blood test done.

If you believe that you are pregnant, be sure to take care of your health. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs including prescriptions and over the counter medications (see Pregnancy No No's. Start taking folic acid to help ensure the health of your unborn child.

Enjoy your journey, your life will never be the same!
take a pregnancy test and then go to the doctor.

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