Thursday, December 10, 2009

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?

i am 18.i'm not married yet and i never had a period was never late.somebody help me!

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?soap opera

Assuming you are not using birth control of some kind (the pill, IUD, etc.) causes could also be anything from rapid weight loss or gain from dieting or illness, a side effect of some undiagnosed illness, stress, and use of drugs or medications - any or all of those could factor in.

It would probably be best to go visit your gynecologist and get checked out as it might be a symptom of a bigger problem and it's best to be cautious.

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?city opera opera theater

no, thats normal don't worry until it starts 2 reach 2 months....then you should go the doctor
It could be your thyroid??
Are you too skinny?

This happens in girls with eating disorders.

I think you should ask your doctor.

You're still kinda young, it could be like just irregular...
ur body is just changing dont worry about it.
If you have just begun or started hormonal birth control then no panic. However, if this is not the case then you should consult asap with a gynaecologist.

When it comes to health issues always keep this in mind:

If something changes then something might be going wrong.

Trust that instinct of your's and go consult.
go to your gynecologists tell them .

Did you recently go on a diet of some kind some times when you lose to much weight to fast your period stops. However I recommend going to a doctor first. By the way if think your mom will suspect the worst call your doctor set up an appointment , Use your cell so that if they call back you'll get the call not your parent. drive there and ask them to ether hand you the bill or asked to be billed separately and tell her/him not to tell your mom.If you tell them not to inform her the they are prohibited from doing so due to doctor Patient confidentiality

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