Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hillary is getting tough now: Is it too late for her?

She said, "Shame on you, Barack Obama!" for those NAFTA mailers, when he was telling the truth in essence. Is it too late for her, and in tomorrow's debate, won't she just come across as being desperate and naggy?

After all, she not only has to win OHIO and TEXAS, she has to win them by more than 20 points to overtake him in the pleged delegate count, not to mention the fact that her SUPERDELEGATES are jumping ship like nobody's business.

Hillary is getting tough now: Is it too late for her?amc theater

Hillary has lost, she should withdraw. She is hurting the democratic party.

Hillary is getting tough now: Is it too late for her?concerts opera theater

She's not getting tough. She's getting crazy.

You don't make fun of the majority of your Party by mimicking and trivializing their candidate's speeches.

You and millions of others. Big mistake on her part. I think it's another nail in her coffin.
No it's not. It's a whole new race if she wins Texas and Ohio.
She was taken by surprise in January, and then Obama took off. Who knew this would happen back in December? Actually, a lot of his supporters didn't even notice him a few months ago.
No, she hasn't got tough yet. Give it about another week. She and Obama are about to show their true colors.
It ain't over 'til it's over ;)
hillary got "tough" because she was angry over the fact that obama told the TRUTH about her support of NAFTA.

her toughness simply made her look like the hypocrite that she really is.

and when it was proven that she did support NAFTA, her next strategy was to attack how well obama speaks and how the people are coming out to see obama.

she's petty and that's never looked good on any body, let alone the person who's seeking to hold the highest office in the land.
She's beyond desperate at this point. She'd have to win all three primaries by 20 points and the polls show that's like winning the lottery. She thought this was going to be over on super Tuesday never even planning on having to win these three primaries and it shows. Put a fork in her she's done.
simply a featherless duck in large murky pond
I say shame on him too, he needs to own up to the lies he`s told. It`s not over till it`s over!
What you call tough, I call desperate...she's done
gimme a break, can't you come up with something new. I hope it's not too late for her. Barack talks, talks, talks--we'll do it together----or it won't happen---oops, this is what I hear. I don't want fancy talk that is hollow, like his votes of "present" in the past. He has one term in his state and a partial term in washington. He says he didn't support this or that, of course not, he wasn't there. Look at what Hillary has achieved for New York and most of her legislation is written with republicans. I believe she is the candidate most tolerable to the republicans so I believe her positions have a better chance of passing. Wish her Man hadn't done her wrong, but she never gave up on him why should we think she'd give up on us. I still support HILLARY CLINTON.

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