Saturday, December 5, 2009

Im three days late...negative pregnancy tests...cramps, pms everything, even getting discharge?

do u think i will get my period?

PS: i have been under stress worrying if i will get my period or not. when i dont think about it i get cramps, when i think about it th cramps stop and i feel as tho its getting delayed again....

what must i do

Im three days late...negative pregnancy tests...cramps, pms everything, even getting discharge?playhouse

Just relax, it will come. You're only making things worse by stressing out so much. It can be even more late than that, 3 days is nothing. I had delays of a week. And if the pregnancy tests are negative, there's even less reason to worry. Trust me, you will get it.

Im three days late...negative pregnancy tests...cramps, pms everything, even getting discharge?plays opera theater

Be patient!! As you are aware stress can affect your cycle. Also if you are stressed then teh cramps will be much worse. Have a hot long bath ( or shower if you prefer) Take a good book and just relax!
3 days is nothing, dont worry. You are worrying so much your body is releasing stress hormones which may delay you period later. If you have taken a pregnancy test, then the chances are you're not pregnant. Chill out, do what relaxes you (if its sex use protection ;-) ) %26amp; your period will come when its good %26amp; ready!
those symptoms sound like your period will arrive soon. Being 3 days late while under a lot of stress doesn't seem unusual. Also, remember that a woman's cycle can shift, so if you're counting every 25 days, sometimes it can shift to every 27 days, or 29 days, or 23 days.

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