Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it normal to just be getting morning sickness in late pregnancy?

Not really morning sickness but loss of appetite. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and lately right in the middle of my meal I start getting grossed out. I didn't really have morning sickness too bad in the beginning but I've noticed that recently I start getting nauseous right in the middle of a meal and I get full really fast but hungry really fast also. Is this normal.

Is it normal to just be getting morning sickness in late pregnancy?musicals

Honey, NOTHING is "normal" in pregnancy!

That being said, you are probably feeling that way because there is just no stinkin' room in there for food!

I am an eater. I can put down a big burger, lg fries, soda and dessert. Later in my pregnancy, though, I wouldn't get even half way through a burger and I was miserable! Then 20 minutes later, I was digging through the fridge.

Try eating much smaller portions more often.

You should also look out for indigestion/heartburn to rear its ugly head. Your stomach is being squished out of the way, probably higher than its normal location, which can make it easier for those stomach acids to creep back up. Try to stay upright for a while after meals, and don't eat supper too late.

Is it normal to just be getting morning sickness in late pregnancy?opera songs opera theater

you cant eat as much becuase the baby is squishing your stomach up which makes it harder for lots of food to fit in, so eat in tiny tiny amounts lots of times a day. thats what my doctor suggested
yes that was normal for me and i have 4 kids
It is normal because your stomach is getting "squished" by your large uterus and the baby moving around and cramping your insides! I am only 24 weeks and eating everything in sight but many of my friends who are farther along say that they want to eat, but just can't because their stomachs feel so full! Doesn't sound like morning sickness, sounds like you are running out of room and baby takes priority over an appetite! Congrats to you...only 6 more weeks to go!
Yes. Some women are sick the entire time, some are never sick, and some are sick on and off. As for your getting full really fast that is due to the baby taking all of your room. Your stomach can't hold as much food because it is pushed smaller due to the baby growing. I had this same problem. I just had to eat small meals often. I hope this helps
yea thats normal... its just because your baby is growing and putting more pressure on your digestive organs... its good to eat several small meals a day instead of a few bigger ones... eating the smaller meals is also better for your matabolism and will keep you from gaining too much weight... try to wait until after you finish eating to drink anything... alot of times this will cause nausea especially later in the pregnancy... good luck hun and congratulations in advance...
This is very normal! I remember this very clearly...what is happening is you are running out of room when you eat! My advice is to eat small meals throughout the day... you will eat and then 20 minutes later be hungry...this is normal..just get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids...and when you feel nauseated prop your feet up.
I have had the same experience, and I still get sick at 28 weeks. Good luck to you!
I feel your pain, hang in there sweetie, you are almost there. I experienced the same exact symptoms when I was pregnant with my daughter. When I spoke to my doctor he said that the reason for these weird symptoms were due to the baby dropping lower into the birth canal. The Braxton Hicks contractions can also keep things moving around quite a bit, so that could be causing some discomfort. Good Luck!

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