Saturday, December 5, 2009

Husband has a job that requires him getting home very late sometimes?

on the morning after one of theses nights he got home late. after he leaves for work this morning he calls me from a gas station to tell me to look for his wedding band that he "supposebly" is now missing. I searched the house %26amp; he says he searched the company car %26amp; every where. them wow!! All the sudden he finds it on the second day it is lost in his car in a bag of loose change %26amp; papers etc. He states that his ring has came off before in cold weather but he always found it so did not see any need to tell me about it before. Am I suppose to believe this Bull *****??

Husband has a job that requires him getting home very late sometimes?comedy club

I believe a woman always knows in her heart when she is being cheated on. Its a woman's intuition. I would keep a close eye on him and see if anything else comes up. In his defence its a proven fact that in cold weather your hands and feet shrink and in hot weather they swell. Hope that helps, good luck.

Husband has a job that requires him getting home very late sometimes?sheet music opera theater

uh oh
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No. You are not supposed to believe that bullshite.
trust is the foundation for a long loving relationship.

why would he tell you he was missing it, if he was trying to hide something?
follow him
is it a pretty wedding band?
I'm not sure, I would check into this!
If he wears gloves, I suppose that it can come off when he removes them. Otherwise, I don't find the story very credible.
is he giving you any reason to think he is cheating? my husband has left his ring home before. a few times actually. gosh the last time he did it was valentines day! but he always lets me know.
It sounds like you think it's bull**** anyway so it's up to you whether you want to believe him or not.
Sounds to me he's working late but not at his job.
If he has a history (and you know the kind I mean), then hell no! However, if he is an overall decent guy, then chill out and give the guy a break.
why not? This sounds legit.. my ring falls off all the time in cold weather.. and like it was said before, why would he say anything if he was trying to hide something?
i think its 65% Bull **** and a possible maybe 35% he could be teling the truth

keep watching his patters, see if they change. that always tells you if someones cheating.

hire some1, play investigator...or save your marriage
This has nothing to do with the lost wedding ring. For some reason you don't trust your husband and only you know why this is. Tell him how you are feeling and get professional help if necessary.
try following to see where he goes! just dont get caught!!!
I think there is probably alot of history %26amp; personality information that we just don't know but only you do. If you've suspected him of cheating and now he conveniently looses his ring, then yeah,....I might suspect something is up. There is context to everything. If he's never ever given you a reason to not trust him, then I would believe him. But I WOULD suggest we take it to the jewelers ASAP to get it tightened. You don't have to make a big deal of it or accuse him of anything....just suggest it saying you're concerned that he might lose it for good. If he seems really reluctant then I think you'll have your answer.
Sounds fishy to me, however If you have a loving and faithful husband who gives you no reason to question him, then let it go.

If he displays continuous fishy behavior then I would begin to wonder.
my husbands ring is noticeably loose. Is your husbands? Has he ever lost it before this time mentioned?

I guess you need to make a decision on whether to trust him or not based on your previous knowledge of his past and then go forward with your life.

Have you spoken with him about your concern?
i don't believe it myself
why would you not believe it . its a fact that when tempertures rise and fall our fingers have some swelling due to heat. i know my ring comes off easier when it is cooler. unless he has given you any others reasons for you to suspect him of cheating. i would not worry about too much . it can happen .
Okay, I would definetely confront him about it. the story about finding it in a bag of loose change and paper is the lamest lie I think I have ever heard. And the fact that he called you to make it seem like he is being so careful and honest...surely you can read right through that. He is in a panic, and wants to cover up the fact that he is lying by trying to be super concerned and calling you right away. Bunch of crap. sorry, you deserve better.
I would have to say....... NO...... do not buy into that bullshister.

sounds to me that he is playing pool on someone elses table....
First question that comes to my mind, is his paychecks more since he working OT? Secondly, why take off the ring, getting cold not the answer. Thirdly, suspect everything untill he can prove otherwise that he's not having an affair. Does he smell the same when gets home late as other times home on time? Does he seem rather clean and smell of a recent shower? Check his milage to see if matches distance traveled from home to work.
I think if he was BS-ing you, he wouldn't have brought it up at all. Sounds like he is stressed out from work and freaking out when his brain cells are starting to hit the floor. Sounds like he is getting muddle-headed. Or else he took it off to go into a bar and "pretend" to be single and he was worried it fell out of his pocket at the bar or at a motel, etc.

But if you suspect something, you could contact the TV show Cheaters... (click on "terms and conditions" to submit a case)
he is cheating on you you should divorce him!
Get that ring sized to a smaller size so that it doesn't come off....warm or cold weather.

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