Saturday, December 5, 2009

I had a HSG last month and I started my period 3 days late. Are my chances for getting pregnant high

My cycle usually runs 29, 30, 29, 30,... days, but this month it was 34 days since I had my hsg and my period was 3 days late. I am kind of scared. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months now, My hsg was normal. I had no blockage. What are my chances?

I had a HSG last month and I started my period 3 days late. Are my chances for getting pregnant high?palace theatre

I got pregnant one month after an hsg.

Fingures crossed for you.

I had a HSG last month and I started my period 3 days late. Are my chances for getting pregnant high?concert tickets opera theater

The HSG probably just got your cycle a little off, I wouldn't think it is a big deal though! Good Luck and baby dust!!!
I had one, and my period was over a week late. I have also feel as thought the Hsg has really messed with my body. Nothing is working right anymore. Or the hsg has exposed my problems, I believe I have not ovulated since my Hsg. I think It is weird what can I do. The Dr is going to give me drugs, I hope to have a baby soon!

Good luck!

I heard your chances of conceiving is high after the frist 3 months of a hsg.

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