Thursday, December 10, 2009

It,s getting late and the moon?

It,s getting late and the moon is climbing high.Mummy say,s

i have to good to bed ,but i have prayed for you johnnie ,when

you are converted please strengthen you brother,s. My friend

was banned from answer by yahoo .Could you tell me why

it was reported as abuse

It,s getting late and the moon?

he may have been rude to other people and they reported him. it happens all the time, have a good night sleep

It,s getting late and the moon?amc theatre opera theater

Your friend must have posted something blatantly racist or otherwise insulting to some group/nationality/culture. Yahoo lets people get by with a lot, but there are limits.

Is it getting late where you live?

Damn! I must be getting old! It's only 9:30 %26amp; I think it's late!!! lol

Is it getting late where you live?opera mobile

Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel

Is it getting late where you live?imax theatre opera theater

Would you say 1:30 am was "getting late"? It's 1:30 here in the UK.
It's only 6:30 here.
Nah, only about 6:30 right now. But this getting dark early thing is for the birds.....
Its only 6:30pm here--

I guess its late for some things, but still early for others...

Right now it is 9:34 pm.It get's dark so early now that's why it seems later.(Ohio)Have a good night.
I feel like it is later than it is only 9:43 PM. But it has been a long day ! Have a good night !
I am in the same zone as you. That may be the Twilight Zone, but at least we're happy!
well it is 10:04 over my way!!
later here
Well it's 10:30 here and yeah i believe its getting late.. I guess im just tired.. Getting old too.. My birthday is coming up and im gonna be 31 so yep getting old..

deb :)
7:48 in Vegas
You arent getting older. Just better

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?

its getting late..i cant sleep, and i have school tomorrow.. how can i get to sleep soon??

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?opera sheet music

Get up and do something for a while, read or do something else which is relaxing.

I know when i cant sleep its usually because my mind is in overdrive thinking of something or someone and i just need to change what im thinking about. So reading for a while should do the trick

Its getting really late and i cant sleep!!?shows opera theater

Where do you live? It's Spring Break!!

Get up and read a boring book!
take a shower. i know for most people it wakes them up, but showers make me exhausted!!!
u should prolly get off the computer...

maybe put on some calming music :)

hope this helps
Drink some warm milk. It works for my fiance. : )
ocean sounds they work for me
That's okay, it's 3:30 in the morning here and I have to get up at 6! But anyways, try reading - that sometimes helps me feel tired. Or you could try counting sheep, strangely enough that has worked for me.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have t

i have a problem how to convey my senior that i am getting late as he loves to talk and keep going on, then i end up working long hours and work loads. Kindly help me to tackle him effectively.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have to go?listen to opera

I am sure you do have something pressing to do. say that I love to talk more but I have ----- to do. we will catch up later. offer your hand in hand shake or that knuckle thing. leave at that.

I am getting late and my senior is engrossed talking, how do i effectively convey that i will have to go?concert venue opera theater

look at your watch. shout "oh my....i am going to miss my train". tc bye see ya tomorrow morning.

Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or n

my bf went to have dinner with a group of friends (guys and girls) h invited me but i had to finish up some work at home, so i didnt go...

but its getting kind of late, and im starting to get jealous...

should i

A)call him (although ill feel like his MOM)


B) just relax and lay back- he doesnt need a clingy girlfrind checking up on him...

Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or not?city opera


Its getting kind of late- and my boyfriend is having dinner with his friends- should i call him or not?performing shows opera theater

just call him...what if he hooked up with someone?
Id call him
Just chill out. Take a bath or sing along to loud music and dance to take your mind off of it. Whatever you do, don't call him (even though you really want to). He'll appreciate it and it will make him miss you even more, honestly.
NO! Let him know that you trust him and do not smother him. Nothing scares a guy off faster than that! Just be extra attentive tohim next time you see him so his thoughts turn back to you and make him want to be with you. Next time, he will probably come back sooner, or only go if you do too.
Do what your common sense dictates. Have a great day.
stop being jealous, he asked if you wanted to go and you said no, let him live his life.
You answered your own question......does he like it when you call him to say hi and see how he is.....cause I do........... or do you constantly call him and make him feel like he cant be trusted?
you really need to just relax %26amp; not be jealous. he asked you %26amp; you said you couldn't. so, he didn't do anything wrong, so let it go. he doesn't have a kerfew with you, so there you go.
I would just relax for a little while longer...obviously if he invited you, hes not planning on hooking up with anyone right??
ofcourse call him.. ask him.. when hes coming.. nothing like mommy thing..

whts wrong..
What do you think he's doing? It seems that it's you with the issue not him. If you definately have to call him just call and say that you were going to bed and wanted to say goodnight. Other than that there's nothing to say. Let him enjoy yourself. You're the one that chose not to go.
Girl! Call him and join the group. SO you took care of buisness. THere is nothing wrong wanting to be responsible and then play. If he trips, then that is his problem. Enjoy yourself. Call and join the party. :)
Call him, u have every right to call him because he's your man.

Call him, tell him you miss him and would like to knwo what time he'll be back so you can prepare yourself for some nice cuddling.

It's some sort of a reminder to him that he should behave and not get into any hanky-panky with some other girls.
just relax let him do his own thing you have to trust him unless he give you a reason not to trust him and the last thing that he needs is another mother
Call him tell him you miss him and you wanted to hear his voice before you go to sleep but don't keep him on the phone long or his friends will think he is a wuss and that he cant go anywhere without you checking on him.
if u know around wat time, wait til right at the moment that his friends leave and call him, tell him that u didnt wanna interrupt or u would have called sooner, he'll know u care, but he will also know that u respect him enuf to not be clingy ALL the time, like when hes hangin wit friends
You should not call....that would only show that you are jealous. Time will tell if it's meant to be. Just try to relax and get your mind off of it. When your emotions have calmed down ....maybe in a couple of days....then you might want to find the right time to approach him about how worried you get about him when he doesn't call. You might also want to mention to him that a quick phone call or text message is just something that should be done in order to develop a strong trusting relationship.
just text msg him and dont ask where ru and stuff..just say I MIS U HERE SOOO MUCH!! RU MISSING ME THERE??

If he replies....THUMBS UP!!

and he might even call....

not that u cant call.....but do call if u can...dont think negative,after all he's ur guy u love him....but justt stress the point saying I MISS U ru enjoying? what the food menue? make few jokes on the available people....add few girls u know....the girl sitting opposite to you is sweet etc....

I hope u got my point....

the best thing u can do is...send him a rose or a wild flower to the destination through some1 with a note saying....DO U MISS ME THERE?? I MISS U HERE!! just be creative...and yeah about the jealousy..IT ONLY COMES WHEN U REALLY LOVE SOME1...BE HAPPY ABOUT IT AND SHOW THAT U LOVE HIM.....WITH OR WITHOUT UR PRESENCE!!

Hope this helps you,


I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??

I am 12 days late.. I have been on clomid for 2cycles I was due to start my Period on Jan 23 I have not even had any light spotting Nothing at all no AF cramps...But My body feels really different I feel slight cramping like in my ovaries or uterus well in that area anyway..I know its not AF cramps cause its not all the time and its really slight Thats been going on for about 2 1/2 weeks now.I took a test on the day of my missed period then again a little bit ago both negative...Some things I have been feeling are- I been really tired, Some nausea not to the point of throwing up but more like an uneasy feeling Plus I feel like my breast are getting bigger I have been getting dizzy alot. But if I am pregnant why am I still getting negatives??

Any answers will help and give me so hope of seeing my first BFP after 2 years of TTC...Thanks !!

I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??passions soap opera

See a doctor for a blood test because not every woman is detected by a hpt!

You may be pregnant and the tests are just not picking up the HCG.

Be safe and see a doctor.

Good luck 2 u ;-)

I am 13 days late still getting BFN whats going on??mr messed up opera theater

not all urine shows pegnancy get a blood test best of luck
call your doc and schedule a blood test. some people dont show on hpt's. a friend of mine NEVER showed on one through her entire pregnancy with her daughter...GOOD LUCK
An excellent question %26amp; one I'm hoping to find the answer to!

Am in the same position as you, AF due on 22nd Jan, ov'd on 9th Jan (according to Fertility Friend, based on BBT, ferning %26amp; CM) but all tests so far negative.

I'd also heard that some women never have the hcg hormone levels in their urine, so never show +ve on a urine based test.

Does anyone know why this is?

Will be following this thread with interest :o)

Good luck %26amp; hope you get your BFP soon.
I don't know much about clomid...but is it possible it could be messing with your cycles or causing these symptoms? Have you read the side effects of the medication?

It is definitely possible that you are pregnant and it is not showing up on urine tests (it is actually quite common). I would suggest you go for a blood test. Good luck!
It's not unusual to have a false negative on one of those tests. It sounds like you all of of the symptoms . You are Probably Pregnant111 Congrats-bet you are pregnant go ahead and go to the doctor and request a blood test-it will show!!!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?

If I last had my period on June 30th and it was normal and then had sex everyday from July 12 through the 28th and it is now Aug 8th and if I were pg then wouldnt I be getting a definite positive? I mean I see something there but its it really there kind of lines not a wow a positive line kind of deal. I am usually pretty regular on the 30th of the month I start or around the 2nd if there is not 30 days in that it possible to ovulate that late? I mean I know Ive heard of like 20 days ovulation but I dont know please tell me what yall think! Thanks in advance!!!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?movie theater

Yes, sometimes you ovulate later in your cycle, even if you are pretty regular. The norm is to ovulate around cycle days 12-16. But it's very possible for you conception might have occurred around cycle days 17-20, which means if you are pregnant your HcG levels might be on the low side.

If you are seeing something, even a very faint line, on the test then you ARE pregnant.

I took mine early this month and it was barely visible. Then I re-tested 5 days later and it was MUCH darker.

Best of luck!

Repost someone please answer...late ovulation...getting pregnant when you didnt think you ovulated?tickets opera theater

Its possible but rare to ovulate anytime. Even little things like stress can cause a hormone imbalance and result in late ovulation. The underline rule to home pregnancy test is if there is any kind of line at all no matter how faint it is it should still be considered positive.
Ok, here goes, I have 2 friends that were pregnant 2 different times each, both had a faint line in the possitive box, one took both tests at the Health dept. both were pregnant. There are no false positives, and if the line shows up, it means more htan likely you are, and its just really early in the pregnancy. Wait about 2 weeks, and take another one but sorry to say it sounds like you are pregnant. Congradulations!
yes, my last period was June 28 2007. I ovulated on day 26 and i have a 30 day cycle. I am now pregnant. So yes, its possibile

Tom had this problem of getting up late?

Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.

"Boss", he said, "The pill actually worked!"

"That's all fine" said the boss, "But where were you yesterday?"

Tom had this problem of getting up late?home theater

Please stop :-)

Tom had this problem of getting up late?comedy club opera theater

hehehehehe very good
this is annoying %26gt;:(
very good!!
hahahahaha i think you must know my mate Tom, he's always sleeping in, even when he's at work, (we do sleepovers) I have to ring him 2 hours before the boss gets in to wake him up, and he's on his last warning lol hope you don't mind, i'm gona pinch this one and send it to him hahahahahahahaaaa
ha ha ha.... no stop please.... I can't take any REALLY, stop I can't take any more
ha ha ha funny
lololol niice
You are wicked, well you have a wicked sense of humour. Another star is winging its way to you.
Slept it away ha ha.!!!

Funny again so 10/10.!!!

Cheers Frank.!!!
cute a star for you

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that

i am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal? what should i do? i am only 22 yrs old should i be missing my period like this with a negative pregnancy test?

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal?amc theater

First, always take at least two pregnancy tests. Usually if a pregnancy test is wrong, it is a false negative. (it says your not but you really are) it is usually just because it couldn't detect a strong enough HCG level in your urine.

As for missing your period....if you are not pregnant.....are you under a lot of stress right now? Have you changed your diet or exercise routine? Are you lacking sleep? If you have done any of the above, that very well could be the cause.


Another cause----hormones. You are still young. They are still changing periodically. I know i am 23 and my period just switched cycles. I went from a 30 day cycle to a 25 day cycle.

And another? Have you been hanging out a lot with another female? Maybe got a new roommate? Women sometimes take on the cycle of someone that they spend a lot of time with. I know I do that. I have had 3 different female roommates and my body always adapted to their cycle. Within a couple months of moving in together, we were on the same cycle.

I am 23 days late on getting my period and i took a pregnancy test but it came back negative is that normal?concerts opera theater

yeah its normal sometimes we skip a month but if u dont get it like in 3 monthes u should take a test again...
We skip months.. But, Go see your gynocologist
Test again after a few days and don't stress (I know its hard)! Stress will delay your period even more. Make sure you take a pregnancy test using blood. Its more sensitive than urine.
There could be something else going on, you may want to check with your gyno, but there is really no harm if you miss it.
take a better one in the morning b4 you drink anything


I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?

This is my situation i am six days late and i have no sign of me getting my period i usually get cramps and my breast get hard, but this time nothing at all..i have been having sexual relationships with my husband without protection but he has been PULLING OUT and we all know that really doesnt work ! may i be pregnant or should i wait ?? I got my period on March 20th and I was supposed to get it on the 16th .

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?movie theatre

maybe your pregnant

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?playhouse opera theater

congrats maybe u and ur big daddy mite be havin a baby
Don't panic yet. But if after 14 days no sign prepare for baby.
Take a test. That is the only way to find out.
dont panic ive been late b4 it could be ur body changing but then u could wait bit longer if u still think ur pregnant then take a test
Well if your period was March 20th and due again on April 16th, that means that your cycle would be 27 days and that would put you at about April 2nd or 3rd for ovulation. Do you remember if you had sex around those days? Remember, you can have sex up to 5 days before ovulation and still get pregnant, even if he pulled out. As you said, pulling out isn't 100% effective at all and sperm can live up to 5 days inside your vaginal tract. If you're 6 days late, you can definately get a test and test now. If its negative and you still don't get your period, I woiuld take another test in a few more days because its possible your hcg levels just aren't high enough yet to register. Don't be too worried though. You sound really upset and scared about this but you're married. If you are, be happy.
ooooooooo it sounds like ur pregnant yay! I don't know your situation but so far yay!!

Why pulsar dtsfi getting so late to be launched what are they waitng for are they worried of some re

I dont know why bajaj is not launching its dtsfi version i fell they are checking the market or somethingn else is obstructing if it gets late then the probblatiy of the bike getting failed are the simtuoms occur becz too much of waitng can cause problems for a company i feel personally , i feel they are bit shakey in launching it can you give reasons fo rit, i been waiting fo rthe bike since few months now my expectation are started to die , so wha tis hte final verdict for the bike launch in india please answer me soon

Why pulsar dtsfi getting so late to be launched what are they waitng for are they worried of some reasons?imax theater

Pulsar Dts-fi is late as bajaj is refining the FI technology. It will be launced before march 2007. You can follow the news from

Is your commuter train often late for getting you to work?

I take Go Transit and it seems like we are late everyday. I was overjoyed in January when train was only 3 minutes late. Most times it is 7 - 10 minutes late arriving to train station in Toronto. I take the Brampton/Georgetown line. Been taking the train for 20 + years and this seems to be one of the worst years in quite a while.

Is your commuter train often late for getting you to work?violin

The MARC commuter train system in MD is usually reliable other than the occasional derailment or other glitch. I started taking MARC to travel to DC and I'd rather be on the train rather than in a car. For my trips, the trains have been on schedule but the extreme cold caused a 5 minute delay - no biggie.

I would guess that the Go Transit needs to update the schedules if the trains are consistently late.

Is your commuter train often late for getting you to work?chinese theater opera theaterThank you very much and I hope that Go Transit improves their service. Report It

No. I work for myself so my office is very nearby. I can walk to work if I want.

I never really did envision commuting to work very far and I've always wondered about people who do.
Sometimes my train is late, but most likely it's on time. In nasty cold weather like this, it has been late almost everyday due to mechanical problems. It's typically very reliable though and beats driving for 2 hours.

Month 1/2 Late Menstrual Period and I'm just getting the run around Help!!! I want answers....?

Ok, I have not had my menstrual for a month and a half now, and its bugging me. I was expecting it in late April, but no signs. I didnt really notice until May!! it was late in May as well, so I decieded to get a home pregancy test and took it, and it said negative. I took it twice, ten days apart, still a negative. So I decided to go to the doctor (more so, a clinic) and they took the test there too, but it came out to be negative!! Ive been so sleepy, eating like crazy, and so fatigue its disturbing.I usually have a normal menstrual no interruptions or anything. I told the nurse that I think that I still am, and that I dont wait to long to find out that Im not producing enough HcG for my baby to survive!! She said that she cant refer me to get a blood test until, I come for a second visit in TWO WEEKS to get tested again, and then go for blood work if still comes out (-) w/no menstral(5d res.) I dont know what to do!! They wont do an ultrasound or anything. If I am I hope its healty

Month 1/2 Late Menstrual Period and I'm just getting the run around Help!!! I want answers....?sunshine

go to the hospital and tell them you think you had a miscarriage you have to lie for then to do ultrasounds. but it also could be stress

Month 1/2 Late Menstrual Period and I'm just getting the run around Help!!! I want answers....?star theater opera theater

Go to a different clinic. Do you have a history of low HcG? If so then you need to tell them this! Good luck.
I would recommend getting a second opinion. Try going to a Medical School if there's one close to your area.
I'd switch Dr's. They can't deny you a blood test.

Also, Low hCG levels doesn't necessarily mean you won't have a normal healthy pregnancy.
your too old. sorry
are you young? did you just start getting your period? are you using the same brand pregnancy tests? try using different brands..some are more accurate than others..

I am getting really late..?

An office manager had money problems %26amp; had to fire an employee, either Jack or Jill... He thought he'd fire the employee who came late to work the next morning. Well, both employees came to work very early.

Then the manager thought he would catch the first one who took a coffee break. Unfortunately, neither employee took a coffee break. Then the manager decided to see who took the longest lunch break - strangely, neither Jack nor Jill took a lunch break that day, they both ate at their desk.

Then the manager thought he'd wait %26amp; see who would leave work the earliest, and both employees stayed after closing. Jill finally went to the coat rack %26amp; the manager went up to her %26amp; said, "Jill, I have a terrible problem. I don't know whether to lay you or Jack off."

Jill said, "Well, you'd better jack off, because I'm late for my bus."

I am getting really late..?musicals

I've never heard that one, that is really funny.. thanks again for another laugh.. that was a good answer from Jill, i wouldn't be quite sure what to say if my boss said that to me.. i would probably laugh, and then make a smartass comment like she did.. that was good..

I am getting really late..?opera songs opera theater

HA HA not bad
Surprise ending .
stop calling my house u sick ****!
Heard it before, but it's still funny!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

THAT was good!!!
great answer to a stupid question 9/10
old joke
Funny. l like it.
Nice one :o)

Getting late ACT scores?

I recently took the ACT on June 9, 2007, and haven't received my scores by mail yet. The seven week mark has passed, and I still cannot view them online. I am aware of the tens of possible things that could be the cause of this ( information discrepancy, tests sent late, etc.). What should I do and how can I quickly get ahold of the score?

Getting late ACT scores?performing arts show

You can contact ACT by telephone and an operator can assist you. If you provide your personal info, if they have the scores, they can give them to you over the telephone.

Getting late ACT scores?opera cd opera theater

call, i know from an inside source, that the online server crashed, and they are not able to get scores online yet, knowing people who work there, call the testing center

Im late........... but im start getting some clearish red discharge?

i had sex almost 3 weeks ago with out a bf didn't **** in me.................but

im late ........I haven't had my period for the past 5 days.

I have gotten something in my underwear, it's redish, well, you know...i had craps. and I have no idea what that is either.

Please help me. I really don't know what it is... and I'm really.. well I don't know what I'm "really" of, but I'm really of something.

Please, HELP ME and leave a comment.

Im late........... but im start getting some clearish red discharge?ballet theater

You've got to get a pregnancy test - they are only about 7 bucks. It sounds like the redish discharge is the start of your period but when some women are pregnant they can get that discharge too - sometimes women are just late - i didn't have a period at all last month and i was freaked out too lol. Just relax and go buy the test, make sure you follow the directions on it - the best time to pee on the stick is in the morning - oh, and cramps are likely a sign that you are starting too - are you getting shooting pains in your breats? your breasts will become really painful when you are pregnant.

Im late........... but im start getting some clearish red discharge?chicago theater opera theater

If you're feeling uneasy, go to the doctor or get a pregnancy test. Even if your bf didn't *** in you there is still pre*** that is in a small amount but still has sperm in it.

2 months late getting an u/s done scared not to be pregnant??

hi well im 2 months late on my period i took a blood test 6 days after my 1st missed period and it was neg. then i took a hpt 1 weeks after that and well it has been almoast 1/12 sence then , going to the dr . today but scared *** hell not to be pregnant becasue we have been trying for 1 almoast 2 now any advise or coment plzzz??

2 months late getting an u/s done scared not to be pregnant??concert tickets

If your blood test was negative, then you are not pregnant. Sorry, I'm sure it's hard but you'll have to keep trying. Have you been to a fertility clinic to see if there is something you can do to help it along?

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?

My period is normally spread out only 28 days, so today, it鈥瞫 5 days late. Could I be????

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?performing art center

It's somewhat hard to say.

If your cycle is normally very regular at 28 days and it's day 33 and you still haven't gotten your period, there is a good chance that you could be pregnant if you had unprotected sex or if your contraceptive didn't work properly and you were active during your "fertile window"

However, other things can cause a normally-on-time period to be late, such as stress. Sometimes, regular periods can run a little late for no obvious reason at all.

I would suggest getting a couple pregnancy tests. It's best to take one with your first morning urine because that is when your urine is usually the most concentrated with HCG (the hormone that is present during pregnancy that the home pregnancy tests check for) If you get a positive result, then it's very safe to say that you're pregnant. If you get a negative, that's a little trickier because false negatives are very common due to testing to early. If you still haven't gotten your period in a week or a few days- test again.

You could also go to your doctor's office and ask for a blood test. Blood tests are more accurate than Home Pregnancy Tests, however there is no "home" version of a blood test- you have to go to your doctor's office, an immediate care clinic, a planned parenthood or pregnancy help center, or a diagnostics lab.

Good luck with getting whatever result you're wanting!

5 days late for getting my period-could I be pregnant?theatre tickets opera theater

Take a's the only way to know!
you might be, please have a pregnancy test and check..

all the best!
Go and get a test and then you will know for sure!! It's bad if we get your hopes up.
There's a darn good chance! Save your money and just go to the doctor to get a blood test. They will give you one whether you tell them you had a positive hpt test or not! Good Luck and God Bless!
yes u can be pregnant if u had sex with usin a get a test right away.and good luck
Take a test and let us know! :D
wel test for crying out loud!!! have you got any symptoms???
If you had intercourse last month, possibly- buy a pregnancy test today, take it tomorrow morning with your first urine of the day for most accurate results.
why not take a test, Iam as well 28 days and AF didn't come on the due date till this day, I tested on the 1st of Sept and it came positive. why not do a test and com firm

If i was 3 days late on getting my depo shot (3rd injection) can i become pregnant.?

I was late on my depo shot and i had intercourse like a a week later w/o a condom but the guy didnt even ***, but he did have precum, now my stomach not feeling right, i can feel a heartbeat in my tummy, I took 3 pregnancy test all were neagtive, but i just have my doubts, what should i do?

If i was 3 days late on getting my depo shot (3rd injection) can i become pregnant.?oper

Chances are you are not pregnant. I used to worry about feeling a heartbeat in my stomach too. But, I'm not pregnant and I can feel my heartbeat there too. The baby would be no larger then a piece of rice, pretty hard to feel a heartbeat off of that. If you even talk to your doctor about it they'll disregard it (been there).

I do not recommend the shot though! There are so many better options for birth control. I took it 1 time and had my period for the entire 3 months, and my hair would fall out in clumps in the shower! My sister was on it about 2 years. She didn't get her period for a year, then she had it for 6 months straight.

Just keep an eye on your symptoms. If your breasts start to become tender and you get cramping like your period is coming but, it doesn't, take another test.

Good luck!

If i was 3 days late on getting my depo shot (3rd injection) can i become pregnant.?hollywood theater opera theater

i dont no... i dont even think that that stuff even works but um.. i dont think u weill
its all in your head your probaly fine an you wouldnt feel a heart beat
Well, you could get pregnant but more importantly you can get an STD!!!! Don't be lazy use a condom every single time!!! otherwise say hello to genital herpes!!! or even The Clap!!! or gonorrhea... or HIV... and then say goodbye to your life!!!
No there is a I believe a 7 day window period it might be 10 to get the depo shot around your due date. Depo is not like the pill, it takes several months for your body to start ovulating on depo
Although I am not all to familiar with the Depo Shot. It is more that less likely you are pregnant. It take a couple of weeks and sometimes months before your system rests to having regular ovulation cycle. But it also depend on how long you have been getting the shot. If not long (like you just started) you might want to have a blood test to be sure.

Hope this helps
stop worrying everything happens for a reason. if you are preggo then that is a blessing. why dont you see someone who can tell ya forsure if you are or not. get some peice of mind or you'll drive yourself insane
first of all, how do you know he precame??? nobody can feel that...

second, you can't feel a babies heartbeat, but you do have a main artery going down your tummy, that's probably what you're feeling...

did you call your dr. who gives you your depo?? they will do a pregnancy test, then you can rest easy...
when you take the depo shot, even just once, it takes between 6-12 months for you to begin to ovulate again once you have stopped taking it so there is little to no chance that you are pregnant as for the feeling of the heartbeat you cannot feel the babies heartbeat in your stomach i don't know how long ago this was but it usually take 19-22 weeks before the mother starts to feel the baby move i think that you are just paranoid but if it still bothers you then go to the doctor and they will do a pregnancy test for you but if i were you i really wouldnt worry about it
Something that might help you with that heartbeat thing:

if you feel a heartbeat that is about the same stength of your, or about the same speed, its not the baby.

a babys heart beats at least 2 times faster then your heart does.

hope that helps ease your fears.

Three days late and getting negative test?

Ok long story short, im three days late i have very very regular periods i know what day im starting to almost knowing if itsgoing to be in the morning or at night. I took a test this morning. I didn't have a whole lot of pee but i took it anyways and it came out negative! Has anyone had that happen to them then waitied a few days and it came out positive??? Any advice would really help thanks!

Three days late and getting negative test?theater

im 11

Three days late and getting negative test?london theatre opera theater

congratulations. . .yu'll be a mommy!!!!!!
just take it again in a week. if you are positive then congrats.
as lon as ur neg, ur not pg, ur just nervoous tmaybe that y ur late
I think OTC test are pretty sensitive now, but you could go to the doctor and have a blood test. I would think the doctor would advise that you wait at least a week. It took me 6 months to conceive. The best thing to do is relax and practice a lot!
Yes take another test in a few more days and congrats
yea just wait a couple days and it could be pos then
you need to wait till ur at least 7 days late. i just recently found out i was pregnant n like u my periods r regular as wel.l i was trying to conceive but i have a stubborn cant make up his mind 53 yr old so i gave up n then suddenly im pregnant. my mom says stress adds 2 periods being late as well, so just wait a few more days . congrats if u r pregnant.
You just have to wait a little longer, the main thing is to make sure youre at least 15 dpo...
Could be stress, hormones, meds, among other things. Could be too early to tell. With my last one I took a test on a Tues because I was a couple days late and it was neg then again that Friday and it was +++.

2 Days Late, Nausea Getting Worse :(?

So here I am again :( still wondering what is happening!

Period is now 2 days late, I know by many questions posted on here, that is not much.

I started feeling bloated and gassy last Monday. These symptoms have died down but nausea seems to have settled in. I have also noticed over the past few days that I go through feelings of hot flushes, I have NEVER experienced this before. My temp is up but only minimally. I have had cramps on and off since Friday when I thought my period had arrived but nothing!

Today the nausea ramped up in intensity although has come in waves. I was at work today and had to make a quick exit to the bathroom as I was VERY close to vomiting.

I tested on the day of my missed Period - came back negative. I've decided to wait till next Sunday before I test again.

What's everyone's thoughts?

2 Days Late, Nausea Getting Worse :(?theatre

I think your right to wait and then repeat the test xx

2 Days Late, Nausea Getting Worse :(?opera music opera theater

well it seems a little eary for morning sickness...but then again everyone is different. Your temp does remain higher when pregnant so thats a sign also...both could be a sign or you coming down with something also...would also explain your period being late...good luck anyway
Unfortunately, these symptoms aren鈥檛 unique to pregnancy. They can indicate you are getting sick or that your period is about to start. Likewise, you can be pregnant without experiencing any of these symptoms.

Pregnancy signs include:

1.Implantation Bleeding

2.Delay/Difference in Menstruation

3.Swollen/Tender Breasts


5.Nausea/Morning Sickness



8.Frequent Urination

9.Darkening of Areolas

10.Food Cravings

However if you want a confirmed answer on whether you are pregnant or not, there are two alternatives that you can seek. The first alternative is to take a home pregnancy test kit one week or so after your missed period. If you are really pregnant, the pregnancy stick will able to detect it due to your high hormones level. Another alternative is to see and doctor and had blood test done.
these could be signs of you being pregnant but don't know until you test again. i would suggest testing in week or so and or wait if you experiance your period. but the best thing you can do with better accuarte results is a blood test with your doctor.

wish you the best and goodluck.

It's getting late in the day and I still need to sutdy for school. What can I take to keep me u

I really need to study for a huge exam and I am getting tired. Is there anything I can drin or eat to let stay up later?

It's getting late in the day and I still need to sutdy for school. What can I take to keep me up?pacific theater

You don't need stimulants you just need to quit wasting your study time on these damn questions and answers. Do your schoolwork FIRST and THEN surf IF you have time.

It's getting late in the day and I still need to sutdy for school. What can I take to keep me up?phantom of the opera opera theater

Red Bull works!
Coffee, caffeine pills, assorted illegal chemical compounds, more coffee, pretty much anything with large quantities of caffeine or sugar should set you up nicely. Though tomorrow your body ain't gonna be very happy.
Of course, if your not opposed to caffeine, drink coffee, or amp, or monster, so those are useful drinks that keep me up.
Coffee, caffeinated teas, exercise, or caffeine pills. Avoid sugar since it only gives you a spike in energy level for approximately 20 minutes before your body crashes below its pre-consumption level.
Theres a pill called " git yer lil **** off the net and do yer schoolwork on fridays"
get off the computer and caffiene.
drink some coffee or one of those energy drinks
pills, coffee, cappuccino, energy drinks, walking, weed
go take some vigera
well, how about taking a minute to envision a future without an education...that will give you nightmares if you DO go to sleep, haha
i use coffee or mountan dew.
Rock Stars, No-Doz, and Newports.
Sweets,coffee,pills,caffine and listen to loud music or maybe with the tv blasting!!!Oh and its best to do your homework right when you get home.
I heard the other day that mint tea works even though it has no caffine.
pepsi and methamphetamines? kidding just use caffeine
Yes, strong black coffee, to study for the exam. Or Coke or Sprite.

Eat a (cold) snack to help you stay awake, but don't eat a big cooked meal because it will just make you sleepy. When you need to sleep and can't because of the coffee, drink hot milk or read a really boring book.

And buy caffeine tablets tomorrow, to stay awake to do the exam! You are going to be short on sleep either way, careful you don't oversleep %26amp; perform badly.

I hope someone is there to call you in the morning so you get up in time to get to the exam hall and sit the exam?!

Good luck with your results!! Do what you can, and read the questions three times before you start answering them. Lots of luck tomorrow : )

Is it too late for me to improve my chances of getting into my first choice college?

im a junior in high school. and i want to get into unc. unc is pretty competitive. they only accept 35% of their applicants. im an in state resident and a lot of people from my area will probably be applying. i didn't do so well my first two years of high school, but now im determined to do something about it. what can i do, besides improve my gpa (3.2 right now) and sat scores? is it too late for me? will taking easy unc courses help me? what kind of extra curriculars should i do? (im planning to do summer college this summer) its it really important that i join clubs at school? what if i just want to volunteer at the hospital, summer college etc.? are those enough?

my second question: if they say that you should apply for colleges before senior year or during first semester of senior year, does that mean that half or all of senior year doesnt even count? i mean, do colleges even see your grades from senior year?

Is it too late for me to improve my chances of getting into my first choice college?the grand theater

It's never too late. I didn't even plan on going to college until all my friends did the 'where are you going?!' So I applied to 1 school and got in.. lucky me. Any who... on to question number two... They still look at what you do your second semester of HS. But as long as you don't fail all of your classes you're fine.

Is it too late for me to improve my chances of getting into my first choice college?soap opera opera theater

Nope, it's never too late. If anything, colleges love to see improvement. Plus, you can write about how you turned a new leaf yadda yadda in your essay to account for your first two years, and show how you've changed.

Since your grades and SATs aren't impressive, focus on extracurricular activites, and I mean focus. The easiest way is to join clubs (with the intention of becoming an officer the following year), but since you'd only be starting junior year it's probably okay to just volunteer outside of school. Put a lot of effort into volunteering, though, don't just do it so you can put it on your application. That's cheap. Plus, if you work hard, you can get a good recommendation from your supervisor.

Your question "are those enough?" worries me. If you really, really want to get into this school, that's the wrong type of attitude to have. Do as much as you can.

Junior year counts the most, but senior year is important as well. Colleges evaluate your grades at the end of the year as well, and if they're not happy with them, they have every right to take you off the accepted list.

My period's late,but until 5 days ago,I had all the normal signs of getting it-cramps etc. Coul

All was going as normal, my breasts were a bit painful, getting cramps, but on the day I would have normally gotten my period, it didn't come, and now 5 days later I'm getting worried. Could I be pregnant????

My period's late,but until 5 days ago,I had all the normal signs of getting it-cramps etc. Could I be pregnantchinese theater

if your having sex ya. but before getting freaked out wait a couple more days then take a pregnancy test. you can get pregnant even using birth control because they're not 100% guaranteed.

My period's late,but until 5 days ago,I had all the normal signs of getting it-cramps etc. Could I be pregnantopera mini opera theater

sounds like you are=check with a Dr
Yes, you could very well be! This happened to me with all three of my pregnancies. I was crampy, bloated, moody, etc. I felt exactly as I did before I got my period. I was positive I was getting my period, but then all of these symptoms just stopped.
i would say so, go get a test and tell us what it says

Any luck getting late payments removed from credit report?

Has anyone asked a credit company to remove late payments. This is called a "goodwill" adjustment? If so did you have any luck?

Any luck getting late payments removed from credit report?star theater

5 min. ago.... the rep said it was a joy to work for people who were as nice as I. be kind, maybe fib a little and tell them that you did not receive a statement, or simply say you've misplaced it. If your polite it should work GOOD LUCK

Any luck getting late payments removed from credit report?extension opera theater

Payments received within thirty days of the due date are not reported to the credit bureaus. However, once a delinquency has been reported to the bureaus, there is little you can do it have it expunged from your records.

Just keep paying on time, and time will heal all wounds.

You can however get the late fee expunged fairly easily, or atleast a portion of the fee.
Once it has been reported to the credit bureaus, it is pretty hard to have it removed... But by making your payments on time from here on out, the late payment mark should roll off (you would in fact be repairing your own late mark by making your payment on time each month.
Good questions

learn more here:

(Make sure to check out the forums - there are many people there who actually want to help - and it is extremely useful to just read through past posts)

Does staying up late increase your chances of getting pimples?

i was just wondering.. as everytime i go to a friends house for a sleepover or go out at night and dont come back until late i always seem to get pimples the next day or over a couple of days.

Does staying up late increase your chances of getting pimples?opera songs

same for me!! rest up I guess, my dad says the more you sleep the more your body can cleanse restore and prepare itself...

(cleanse pores?)

also I guess when you stay up longer theres more time for your pores to get clogged ,I think your pores generally close/tighten when sleeping...which is why its also scientificially said more sleep does wonders to your skin quality too.

Does staying up late increase your chances of getting pimples?secure browser opera theater

when u go out

u sweat and when u sweat your pores get clogged and pimples appear.
If that was true every insomniac would be a crater face. I've had problems with insomnia since I was small but have never had a acne problem.

Acne can be caused by things like stress or but not by lack of sleep.

Note to Lucy: Your pores don't switch off when you go to sleep. There is no such thing as more time to get clogged.
Your body does all its repairing and cell reproduction when your asleep. So i guess if you don't sleep, then your body can't repair itself. For example if your ill the doctor tells you to get lots of rest right? That's so the good cells in your body can produce quicker and overcome the virus. So there is some logic in what your saying, just make sure you try and make up for the loss of sleep.

acne CAN be cause by a lack of sleep

Wedding invitations are late getting to us so we can mail them to our guests..HELP!!!!!!!!!?

Okay...I have a huge dilemma! My fiance's step mother was in charge of making our invitations and now we are only about 3 weeks away from our August 4th wedding date. She still hasn't mailed our invitations to us...We are both very stressed about this and I don't have any idea how to handle it. It is to the point where him and I are arguing horribly about this now and I don't think I can handle much more without having a breakdown. Can any of you offer any constructive advice? Serious answers only please! I'm about to lose my mind so if anybody can come up with SOMETHING I would appreciate it. Also, it's too late for us to order anything. I need a quick fix for this. Am I just overreacting?

Wedding invitations are late getting to us so we can mail them to our guests..HELP!!!!!!!!!?opera cd

Oh wow, I would have been on their case at LEAST two months ago!

Crunch time. Gather all your wedding party together sans stephorror. Get a computer with a printer and make out your own invitations while the wedding party starts addressing the envelopes. Get the invitations from Staples, Office Depot, Target, or some craft store.

Or talk to an invitation maker and see if they can assist in a rush order.

Or see if you can push back the wedding a month or two without penalty. Then boogie on getting the invites out.

How rude and lazy of your stepmother. What excuse does she have to slack that much? Is she always this unreliable?

Wedding invitations are late getting to us so we can mail them to our guests..HELP!!!!!!!!!?opera singer opera theaterExcellent! I hope you get a good turnout!! Report It

No you are not overracting your wedding invites should have been mailed like 6 weeks ago. Your best bet is to get your bridal party together and call all your guest and giving them the info and seeing if they are able to come or not
Go to Hobby Lobby or JC Moores and get a DYI invitation kit. If you have a decent printer you can do this at home.

Do not wait any longer!

Good luck
go to the store (walmart or a craft store) and buy the Wilton brand cards then go to and find the template you need to use. you can do them in about 2 hours or less time depending on how picky you are. Good luck...

gosh you should have gotten these things our weeks ago! I hope you sent a save the date card some time ago.

your other option is to start calling everyone. It would be faster and your answers would be immediate.
Send a letter to everyone, saying there's a wedding and when. Then say, details will follow...
Since she hasnt mailed them to you and you need to send them to guests I recomend that you do the invitations yourself, on computer (so it's easier) and just send them. That's why you can't depend on people for this type of things. It's better if you to do it oyurself.

Good luck!
It's going to be OK first breath!! second If you really want you can order still I know that has complete invitation packages 100 of them for as little as $94 and they have rush delivery so if you are able to check them out if not you can always start doing word of mouth to some guest so they mark the date to insure they will attend. Good luck
Why are they late getting to you? Has she just not done them, is she still doing them? I would just call and ask her when she expects to be through with them so you know whether you need to go a different route. If you don't have them in your hands by tomorrow, I would do them yourself. It's not too late to get them done elsewhere. You can go to Michael's, Wal-Mart or even your local party store like Party City and buy the boxes of blank wedding invitations that normally come in packs of 50. They include the invite, envelope, response card, envelope and I believe reception card. Just print them yourself. Or you can go online to places like or any online invitation site, pick out the invitation, call them and give them the wording over the phone, have them email or fax you a proof of what the invitation will look like, approve it and then choose expedited shipping but if you're 3 weeks away, I'd call your guests and just let them know there was a mix-up with the invites and remind them of the date and assure them they're invitation will be coming shortly. But I would really just call the step mother first to find out what's going on before you spend money on invitations you may not need. Whatever you decide to do, do it ASAP because really you're supposed to send the invitations out 6-8 weeks in advance and allow yourself about 2 weeks to notify your caterer of the headcount.
It's not too late to order invitations. There are many companies who can send an order out in a few days.

But...the step mother is supposed to make them...I would suggest that you call as many of your guests and let them know that they will be invited and that the invitations are late getting out. Once she has them all ready, have her express ship them to you, fill them out as quickly as possible and get them in the mail.
I may be off-topic, but, when it's all over, why don't you hire someone to go kick your mother-in-law's @ss?

This is not an auspicious beginning...
3 weeks is not enough time to get responses back. If you have a computer print invitation and call everyone on the list to get a head count. Get mailing labels also.

You are not over-reacting, in many case people already have had to give the final head count by this time.
No, you are not overreacting. Did you send out save the dates? I would try to contact as many people as you can to give them a heads up. Tell them what happened. Have you confronted her about this? What has she said?
I just got done today making my message in a bottle invites. I printed out my own invitations on fine parchment paper I got from an office store (10.00) and rolled them up, put them in a glass bottle that had sand (free from the beach) and small shells, you can even get those from the dollar store if you can't find them on the beach. Stuck the invitation in the bottle and I am going to hand deliver the invitations:) It took me an hour to so to do all this once I had the stuff for them to make them!!!!

I would say you could cheaply make some "Save the Date" Cards just so people could have something before the date comes so they will be available but 3 weeks is not very long at all!!!!!!!!!

Also you can get invites that are really cute from wal-mart or any office store that comes with everything you need for 20 bucks,you can just print the information on them using your computer!!!! Good Luck!!

Just remember- you can make them look just as good by doing them yourself. The people you order from do the same thing you would do, use a computer!!!! That's how they make their money.

Relax, you can get these mailed out in a few hours:) Or hand deliver the ones who are close:):)
First of all, take a deep breath. And another. You are getting married, it's supposed to be super exciting! Take a moment to think about that.

Now: Have you talked to your soon to be mother in law yet? Why are the invitations so late? Is she still planning on mailing them? If so, take a few hours and call everyone on your guest list. If they haven't heard you're engaged, it's a great time to tell them. Let them know there were some problems getting the invitations printed in time, but you'd love for them to come. You can give them some of the details. They'll usually tell you if they think they can make it.

If she's completely dropped the ball, call your guest list and apologize for the delay. Let them know that you are in the process of getting invitation done, but there were some glitches along the way. Tell them you'd still like them to come. Again, you can give them more details when you call them.

Most people won't be upset that they haven't received an invitation if you call them and let them know it's coming. Plus, it helps with get a count for the food and everything else.

If she doesn't make them, and you don't have time to do a kit or hire someone else, talk to your bridal party. I am sure they'd love to help you out with this. You could also talk to other close friends or other relatives.

I believe things are going to turn out fine. Try not to stress. :-)
Overnight your letters or give each invitee a phone call and explain your situation, giving them details on how to get to your wedding. Rent a van and arrange for the in-laws to pick up people from the airport or from out of town if necessary.
You are NOT overeacting. One thing though, TRY not to blame your fiance, and if the arguing is primarily over the invites, STOP.

As far as mailing them, of course you should. Are you able to pick them up from your future mother-in-law, even if it means a 2-3 hour drive? If so do that, and mail them as quickly as possible. If not, you may not have enough time to order any, but you can make them yourself. Most office supply stores have invites and software to make on your computer. You may not get the paper or decor on the invite that you originally wanted, but at least you do have the option of making your own. The software should contain ways of wording the invites. If not, go to the library. There are many books to help you word the invites. Once you figure out your wording, font and color, it takes little time to print them out. If you want some sort of "Tissue", in the invites, again, office supply store or stationary stores, such as places that you could order invites. Again, I realize it may not be ideal, but it works in a pinch. You can also add personal touches to make it as much yours as the originals should have been. Ribbon, etc. from craft stores. In the meantime, and some would consider this poor manners, start calling as many people as you can, invite them and explain about the mix-up. Call it that, a mix-up. Don't get into the whole story for now. If possible, if asked what happened, try to leave the anger out when explaining. By leaving the anger out, you are not putting your guests in an uncomfortable position.

I hope this helps.
First things first....Breath deep breaths. Second, don't argue with your husband to be about the invitations, because truthfully it is someone elses fault and both of you have no control over it. Third, i would suggest that u either call all your guest over the phone. (it is very personal and sweet, you might enjoy doing this.) Or call a place that makes invitations and tell them it's an emergency, they will understand, they deal with the unexpected all the time. They are used to it. And most importantly have fun with your fiance, this is supposed to be the most happy time of your life, please don't let invitations stop that. Have Fun and congratulations!!!!!
INSTEAD OF SENDING INVITES OUT, JUST CALL YOUR INVITEES. This may sound stupid, but most likely they won't have time to plan if they only have two weeks notice (once your invites go through the mail). Say that you had some logistical issues with the invites and weren't able to send them out. Say that "we would really appreciate your presence, and sorry about the short notice". Most people give at least two months to get the invites out.

People are busy and chances are, you won't have many guests at your wedding. I don't want to judge, but maybe in the future you should handle these things yourself or keep a better eye on someone who may be distracted.

Seriously, a personal phone invitation is the best way, and you won't have to wait for RSVPs to return.

Your fiance is responsible for asking her if they're ready. It is his step-mother. If they are not, you should think about doing them yourself on the computer. There are also come quick-print places that can get some out for you quite fast. You're not over-reacting. This is your wedding and there are many things to be done and you shouldn't have to worry about this. Let your finance do some worrying for you. And I hate to tell you this, but you'll probably have a few more stressful moments before the big day. Good luck and take some time to breathe.

It is not too late. Dawn does next day delivery. Forget stepmom . . . get the invitations ordered now.
ok, you wrote this one hour ago. here goes: call her. ask her what stage of doneness the invites are in. if they are done and are sitting on her kitchen table then, how far away are you from her? can you get in the car with your addresses and drive to her house and stay up until they are all addressed? then you can go yourself in person to the post office with them tomorrow and have them weighed ( most times normal stamps wont work!!) and send them out tomorrow morning. make sure you yourself, in person, see them correctly stamped, filled, closed and sealed, and then mailed. then, tomorrow you can call everyone on your list and let them know, happily, to save the date as there is an invite coming. hopefully most already are aware of the date and of your upcoming wedding. is it possible to have your mom help you with this. i agree with others that you can work it out and people do understand. dont stress. if it turns out that the lady does not have the invites done or cant explain when they will be done, then, read the other posts and go to town. you can !!!! have suitable invites by this time tomorrow in the mail. kinkos may help, if none of the other ideas here dont work for you. just phone people and let them know they are invited. all will be well, you are smart to address this immediately.. good luck.
I agree with most of the others. QUICKLY print some of your own. Send them NOW with a request to RSVP via telephone or email.

If it's not too big of a project, calling the guest may be a good idea too. Gather a few reliable friends to do the calling with the basic info (date, time %26amp; location) and a short explanation of why the invites are late.

Good luck :)

I am 20 years old, and am 12 days late getting my period. I have never been this late.?

I have never been this late, ever, and I dont think that I am stressed enough to be late. I have not lost or gained any weight either. I have taken a test and it came back negative. I called the gyno and they said that I shouldnt come in until 2 missed periods. But I want to know!!! Any suggestions?

I am 20 years old, and am 12 days late getting my period. I have never been this late.?chicago theater

It's okay to skip every now and then. It happens. You dont have to be stressed or lose or gain weight, maybe your eating habbits, your hormones may be acting weird, etc etc.... just wait to see if it starts or if you skip next month too. If your still worried, take another test next week or go to a teen clinic to get a blood test.

I am 20 years old, and am 12 days late getting my period. I have never been this late.?met opera opera theater

I would just waite.Sometimes my period is late 2 weeks.due to stress..lack of vitamins etc etc...
You could go to a clinic and have a blood test to put your mind at ease. A local clinic or a place like planned parenthood will do.
Yes, just wait. They gyno doesn't want to see you yet because it's normal for this to happen occasionally, even if your cycles are very regular normally.
14-21 days late will show up on a stick test. 2 periods?I don't get that. My last baby didn't show up on an early test too. Wait a week.

good luck
do you eat regularly? that could cause problems, or you could go to your doctor, or you could go to the brook, they'd do a pregnancy test with no questions asked and its free! good luck hun x
i would take another test in 2 weeks.

the test might not be 100 percent right if you are to early if your pregnant. now i found out i was pregnant when i was 3 weeks along.. some women get lucky and dont gain weigh much at all then there is some women like me who gain it all ( 52 pounds) and yes stress can cause you to be late i would just it and see what happenes. good luck

I am 8 days late and still getting a neg! what's wrong?

i am 8 days late and been having mild cramping ( onand off for over a week now- like "dull" menstrual cramps) also frequent urination. I have no other symptoms . I just took a test tonight and it was NEG. Its so discouraging and frustrating. I'm starting to think that something is seriously wrong here! i have an appt with the doc next fri but i can't wait!! HElp

I am 8 days late and still getting a neg! what's wrong?theater seating

It takes about a weak or 10 days after your missed period for a pregnancy test to show you if you are pregnant or not using urine. it is much faster for the blood though. Do not go to ER but go to your doctor and ask for a blood pregnancy test to be done on you.

I am 8 days late and still getting a neg! what's wrong?lyric opera opera theater

maybe you are not pregnant!
If you are soooo worried go to the ER and say you are having cramping and you think you might be pregnant and and you need to make sure everything is ok ( you might have to embellish some to get them to do anything... your goal is a blood test) some do not show up on a reg. test!! do that or call and beg to get in ASAP or go to the ER.

I had a neg for 2 weeks after I missed my period!! and I was PREG.
Don't go to the ER! The ER is for people who have serious concerns, not whether they are pregnant or not. Do not waste their time!

Instead, if your doctors appointment is not until next Friday, go to a Walk-in Clinic...they will treat you that day.
hey wat a co incidence we both have the same problem i as well delayed for 8 days now i already took a test last friday but it's neg. but i will try again tonight..cuz my friend told me pregnancy test are 70 percent right...

My period is getting late about 8 days!?

Usually I get my period every 30 days. Now it is 8-9 days late, I have almost all the symptoms but it's just not coming!:( Is there anything wrong?

My period is getting late about 8 days!?theatre tickets

Don't worry. It's totally normal for your period to be out of sync. If you have symptoms just be patient. It should be here soon. I have had the same problem a few weeks ago. I was 15 days late. Really worried.. but it finally came.

Stay calm. Hope it comes soon.

My period is getting late about 8 days!?opera house opera theater

are u pregnant
Have you had sex recently? If so, then you are likely pregnant. If not, then it could be due to stress or a number of other things.
you should talk to your gyno about that. getting on the pill will regulate your period.
Yeh you're asking this question on Y/A thats whats wrong. Go to freaking doctor!
Nah that has happened to me before but 2 weeks instead of 8-9 days so don't worry about it your completely fine.
go get a pregnancy test.... they even have them at the dollar store...
Unless you're pregnant, then you will probably get in in due time. If you have been sexually active, you should take a home pregnancy test.
Don't worry, that is completely normal and it happens to me all the time. Just be patient and be ready for it to come!
Take a home pregnancy test, or go see your Doctor!! That's just about all that you can really do!!
you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test and see if that is what it is, and if the pregnancy test says negative you can always have a second opinion by a doctor
i skipped my period for a whole month

because i was stressed out that month

its okay
oh this bad.. very bad!!! im a dotor.. this means ur preganet!

p.s dr. philps!

from main
This might sound weird but...

did you have sex when you were ovulating?

If yes you might be pregnant.

Go get a pregnancy test.
DEPENDING ON HOW LONG you have had your period

it can be about a week late or a week early

Unless you have been sexualy active them you might be pregant

take a prego test.
could be stress. taking any medications? preganant?
Missed a period? You're not necessarily pregnant!!!!! :-)

Common causes of missing a period Pregnancy: is the most common cause of amenorrhea. Periods are not expected to resume until after childbirth and breast-feeding women may also find that they don't have periods.

Recently started periods: For about a year after your first period it's not uncommon for your cycle to be very erratic or even to miss your period for several months.


1. Major changes in your life, (new job, sudden massive workload, bereavement) can create enough stress to make you to miss your period.

2. Rapid weight gain or loss can cause amenorrhea. In particular amenorrhea is associated with malnutrition or low body fat caused by eating disorders.

3. Too much exercise, often connected with heavy dieting, can also stop your periods. Just because you're really fit, stopping your periods isn't any healthier. Periods are a sign of your body working properly.

4. In some cases heavy smoking can also be the cause of amenorrhea.

Serious illness: Any illness affecting your reproductive organs or their hormones, such as a tumour in the brain (pituitary gland) as well as any serious illness. Particular ovary conditions include ovary damage, autoimmune ovary disorder and Turner's Syndrome. In addition to the actual illness, some treatments also cause amenorrhea, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy and some medications. You should check with your GP if you're unsure about any of your medication.

Mental health and emotional disorders: For example depression and pseudocyesis, which is a condition where a woman convinces herself that she is pregnant when she isn't. The psychological effect is so strong that her periods may actually stop.

Hormonal conditions: For example hormonal or masculinisation disorders. Also if you stop taking a hormonal contraceptive your period may not start again for anything between three months and a year.
Take a pregnancy test. When I found out I was pregnant I felt like I was about to get my period, but it just didn't didn't come. It may not be that though, you may just be late, but it won't hurt to take a test.
What you should do is ask your mom because you might be pregors!!!!! That is what you should do talk and take an pregnancy test!!
nothing wrong .. dont worry it may be becase of heat and unusual food .. keep eating more water and get some tablet with doc adiv

tell me after u get period
Many things can change your usual menstruation calendar:

1. Stress

2. Too much physical excercise! And I mean at least 2 hours a day of intensive workout!

3. Gain of weight. If you have more fat tissue in your body, more oestrogen will be created which will delay the shedding.

4. Pregnancy...most probable cause.

You should take a pregnancy test and see a doctor. It would be the wisest thing to do.

I am seven days late for my period and still getting a negative pregnancy test.?

Does this happen?? I mean do you thinkn I am pregnant and it is just not showin gup yet. With my first child, I was only 2 days late and got a positive result. If I am pregnant, is this a normal thing?

I am seven days late for my period and still getting a negative pregnancy test.?hollywood theater

You don't always get positive results so soon. On the other hand you just may be late.

I am seven days late for my period and still getting a negative pregnancy test.? opera theater

You could always book to see your doctor?

I was a week late last month (had the same worry as you) and got a negative result also. If your worried about it or anything then that also could be the problem.
I think you're not pregnant, but sometimes the hormone level doesn't rise or cant be detected in home tests..!! You can wait or take a blood test

I am 18 days late on my period,been having mild cramps w pelvic cramps,and is getting neg test.?

Is it early to test? I have been having mild cramps,pelvic pain,18 days late on my period,but all test is negative.I went and seek a dr last week and she said it was early to test,for me to retest in two weeks?... I am now expierncing pelvic pain today,and fequent bathroom times!

I am 18 days late on my period,been having mild cramps w pelvic cramps,and is getting neg test.?

Sounds like you might have an infection, or if you have had sex, you might have a tubal pregnancy, or experiencing a miscarriage. I would advise to see another doctor, or a plan parenthood facility.

I am 18 days late on my period,been having mild cramps w pelvic cramps,and is getting neg test.?opera mobile opera theater

Call your doctor again. It sounds like something else might be wrong.
you should be on the safe and take a test.
your pregnant chick. whats up with kids having kids?
Call your doctor again, it sound like there might be something wrong. And if this one won't help go to another. To be safe.
you may or may not be pregnant but im no doc only a nurse and if ur cramping you should see a doctor.
You could have ovulated later than usual then got preggers later. Mild cramps in early pregnancy are normal(embryo implanting) even mild spotting that's brownish NOT bright red. But pelvic 'pain' sends up flags of maybe an ectopic pregnancy. Don't wait two more weeks. Go back to the DR. at sunrise and demand a blood test.

Be optimistic but be safe, too. Good luck to you!


I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?

I was supposed to start my period on 1/13/07, I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative. I have had a little whitish discharge but not a lot. The last two days I have been very moody and weepy. My husband and I would love to be pregnant and I was convinced I was, because the last couple of weeks I have been exhausted and "just had that feeling". Now after another negative reading, I'm beginning to think it must all be in my head. I have never been this late before. I have a Dr. appt Monday, hoping a blood test might give me the answer we're hoping for. Any thoughts?

I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?opera music

It is very common if you want badly to get pregnant for people to interpret signs into those of pregnancy. So don't get your hopes up from thoses alone, they are also signs of PMS. At the Dr. they will probably also do a urine test first, so be prepared for that. But remember just because the urine test results are negative, it doesn't mean you are not pregnant. Blood tests would be your best bet. Good luck! I hope you are pregnant, or get that way soon.

I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?opera sheet music opera theater


blood test is required
Hope for the best. It could be many reason why you are late. Maybe stress, maybe your body changing, maybe you are pregnant...what ever it is you will find out on Monday. Best of luck, Baby dust to you!
Stress? You're putting yourself under a lot of pressure and thats a sure way to wreck havoc on your body.

Talk to the doc on Monday and try not to worry in the interim.
you are doing all you can with going for a blood test, you could always do some more hpt over the weekend but it would just wait til monday as it will be quite expensive if you do this,

All I can say is good luck and I hope you and your husband get all that you want!
i was 3 weeks late and is was just late ovulation
I am the same I am a week late and have had two negative results, I am usually regular, I have been moody, and weepy, tired, and felt sick. I went to the doctor and he was very un helpful, he said that the pregnancy tests are so good he does not think i am pregnant, he did not even offer to do a test for me. I dont know what to do. It makes me think its all in my head!

Let us know what doc says to you on monday, GOOD LUCK!!!
you'll just have to wait until the blood test. those are the most accurate. that will put all your worries to rest. I hope you are. Good Luck.
I had a feeling i was pregnant and even dreamt of a foetus growing in my womb,after spending loads of cash on tests and them coming back negative i went to the doctors had a test and it came back positive.

Good Luck

Sperm bank? It is getting late. Might break-up. Wait for better times, or just do it whether he know

If I have baby with him, it will add to the drama if we break up. If we dont't break up, by the time things are smooth it might be difficult to conceive. If we break up, and I got got pregnant by the donor sperm bank, then it would be less drama and I would have baby before it is too late.

Sperm bank? It is getting late. Might break-up. Wait for better times, or just do it whether he knows or not?phantom of the opera

Single parenting can be done...and done well...but raising a child is difficult enough with 2 parents. I wouldn't go it alone if there was a choice.

That said, you're obviously thinking you may not have a choice. If you're not absolutely certain he's the one, DON'T DO IT! You'll be tied to him forever, and not in a friendly way. You'll have to share the person you love most in the world with this man you don't even like!

I've heard a saying before: "Having a child is like taking your heart out of your chest and letting it walk around on the outside." Will you trust him with that?

The drama of the break-up is so unimportant...think about it...does it really matter in the long run?

Sperm bank? It is getting late. Might break-up. Wait for better times, or just do it whether he knows or not?listen to opera opera theaterMarried to him for 10 years. If I have baby from the sperm bank, the baby is not his. I don't have to share. Women are doing all the work, married or single. Dads don't. I have yet to see a man put his ego, anger, bandpractice, sports, xbox, beer, etc aside for the sake of his child. Report It

I have seen those going it alone, and it peaceful by comparison. Report It

Wait until you find a man you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.....

Sounds like any scenario in your question would be a diaster.
EH!!! are you for real???

Wait until you find Mr Right
Do what is going to make you happy, If you want a baby and if you think that you are your man is no going to make it then I would give it alittle time to see what happens!!

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?

i am 18.i'm not married yet and i never had a period was never late.somebody help me!

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?soap opera

Assuming you are not using birth control of some kind (the pill, IUD, etc.) causes could also be anything from rapid weight loss or gain from dieting or illness, a side effect of some undiagnosed illness, stress, and use of drugs or medications - any or all of those could factor in.

It would probably be best to go visit your gynecologist and get checked out as it might be a symptom of a bigger problem and it's best to be cautious.

My period getting 20 days there something wrong with me?city opera opera theater

no, thats normal don't worry until it starts 2 reach 2 months....then you should go the doctor
It could be your thyroid??
Are you too skinny?

This happens in girls with eating disorders.

I think you should ask your doctor.

You're still kinda young, it could be like just irregular...
ur body is just changing dont worry about it.
If you have just begun or started hormonal birth control then no panic. However, if this is not the case then you should consult asap with a gynaecologist.

When it comes to health issues always keep this in mind:

If something changes then something might be going wrong.

Trust that instinct of your's and go consult.
go to your gynecologists tell them .

Did you recently go on a diet of some kind some times when you lose to much weight to fast your period stops. However I recommend going to a doctor first. By the way if think your mom will suspect the worst call your doctor set up an appointment , Use your cell so that if they call back you'll get the call not your parent. drive there and ask them to ether hand you the bill or asked to be billed separately and tell her/him not to tell your mom.If you tell them not to inform her the they are prohibited from doing so due to doctor Patient confidentiality

I am almost a week late in getting my period i "feel pregnant" .?

i am 6 days late and i "feel pregnant" , i am tired and dizzy , i have nausea but i haven't been sick , im frustrated and have been really moody !! i have gained wait and i am really confused ...

I am almost a week late in getting my period i "feel pregnant" .?opera mini

Why don't you get that pregnant test done. Then you will know if you are really pregnat or not. Plus you can get another test done at the doctor's office just to make sure.

I am almost a week late in getting my period i "feel pregnant" .?passions soap opera opera theater

what's the question? How about u go get a test!
well,first off you would not gain weight this early in pregnancy. if you are 6 days late, a test would be very accurate now.
Here we go again! Get a pregnancy test. No one can diagnose you long-distance!
Take a pregnancy test to be accurate but I would break out the cigars because you are pregnant!

take a test and any way

has ur boy or guy wrapped hes willy
You're not going to be moody or gain weight this quick or be sick for that matter. Peace of mind....go pick up a home pregnancy kit. It only takes a few minutes and then you'll know if it's a pregnancy or the flu.

How would you explain getting fired for being late?

My husband was only late 25% of the time he was accused of being late. All the tardies were for 1 or 2 minutes! How should he explain this to a potential employer? He has timecards from a time clock to prove it was only 1 or 2 minutes.

How would you explain getting fired for being late?extension

Late is late, and rules are rules. No potential employer wants to hear a sob story like that when in reality, since it was a regular problem, he could have simply left for work 5 minutes earlier and avoided the tardiness.

However, what's done is done, and I would recommend not even mentioning the fact that he was fired to potential future employers. Let them try to find out on their own, which they probably won't. If the company that fired him is large and has a dedicated human resource department, they will likely only verify dates of employment when contacted for a reference.

If the former employer is a small company, and they would be calling the secretary who he was in the office with every day, that could be another story, as they can be blabbers and relish that kind of stuff.

How would you explain getting fired for being late?movie theater opera theater

If your late... .your late. No explaination needed. Follow the rules... or get fired. There are no excuses for perpetually being 1 or 2 minutes late. He has Proof! he was a perpetually tardy and irresponsible.
I don't think he should have to explain that at all. Just call the last firing "a layoff" and leave it at that. Some employers may check his references and find out about the lateness issue, but surprisingly many employers don't check references. Next job, make sure he gets there on time though.
don't bring it up in the interview, but if you have to then thoroughly explain the situation
That's messed up. The boss should @ least cut him a break. I know his boss has his late days.
Have him tell the potential employer that his previous employer was extremely rigid, as far as the hours are concerned. Have him explain that he was eventually let go as a result of not being compatible with the scheduling. Most employers have "flex time" where you can make up the hours (or minutes) you miss - unless it is shift work and someone is counting on you to be precise.
good question
Well if he has the time cards then he can show them those. At his next job may I suggest he be five minutes early so there is never a question. I am a manager and when employees come breezing in right under the wire it is very nerve racking. Managers need to know if their employees are going to be on the job and when people are late, even a few minutes, it is stressful.

Good luck to him
What do you mean "accused" of being late?

He WAS late.

Late is late...your husband broke the company work rules.

Also, warn your husband not to show those time cards to a prospective employer...he won't get hired with a history of showing up late for the job...whether it's one minute or one hour.

A dedicated, reliable employee doesn't just show up when he feels like it. Plus it takes another 5-10 minutes for the employee to get to his desk or workstation and even start to be productive.

Bosses, supervisors and managers, know this very well.
I would think that just once in a while would not get one fired. But 25% of how many times? Some people just can't get to work on time, and others just never are late, and if so call in or give a good explanation for it. A good worker don't get fired for being late just once in a while. And just what is he doing with all of those time cards? I have hired and fired a lot of people, and I can tell you that I never fired any one that did their work well and made an effort to be at work on time. There must be more to the story.
I'm sorry to tell you, but to some employers, it doesn't matter to them whether you're 1 minute late or 1 hour late. Because to them, it only means one thing, you're late. They will not take into consideration that your husband was efficient at work because of one little demerit. But when he applies for another job, he can ask his future employer, with humility, to at least see him perform his job for a day, and at the end of the day if the employer doesn't want to keep your husband, they would have not lost anything, but they finished one task for free. i know it sounds like a waste of time. but they will see how sincere your husband is.

My friend continues to arrive late wherever we go out together. It's really getting on my nerve

She's always at least an hour late and I don't know how to deal with this. I really don't think this is how to treat a friend. Not only that, but when friend of hers turned up at her house whilst I was there, she spent half an hour with her at the front door and just left me sitting there on my own in her sitting room.

My friend continues to arrive late wherever we go out together. It's really getting on my nerves?secure browser

Well, does your friend have any idea of how her behaviour is making you feel? If not, perhaps now is the time to tell her.

It could be possible that she is incredibly insensitive and has no idea that what she is doing is making you feel undervalued. You must talk to her about this, and tell her that when she does these things you feel upset. Perhaps you should stress to her that it's her behaviour and not her personally that is distressing you.

if she cares about you she will not want to make you feel this way and will listen to what you have to say.

it does all sound a little rude and selfish to me, if she does not mend her ways, there are probably other people that you could spend your valuable time with.

Somebody who is your friend would never want to be the source of your unhappiness, if she doesn't take your feeling seriously then I think you have to question whether you have a real friend here or not? The choice is always yours, you do not have to spend your time with her if she continues to hurt you, but if i were you i would talk to her about it and at least give her a chance to make amends

take care



My friend continues to arrive late wherever we go out together. It's really getting on my nerves?home theater opera theater

Dont turn up and wen he comes late, well, well, well, he feels it!
eye for an eye
That's not very considerate. Start walking away or give her a taste of her own medicine. Show her how it feels. The most mature thing to do is have a heart to heart and explain how it makes you feel.
Sounds like a selfish friend. Tell her to come an hr before you want to go out, that way she can really be on time, without her knowing it. As for the waiting thing, you should really tell her. My best friend does that to me all the time, but after we talked, it got a lot better.
my friend used to do this so i started telling her thewrong meeting time.

for example if we were all meeting at 7 id tell her 6 and then just to prove the point id turn up at half past 7 she soon got the point!!!
either she doesn't like you, or , more likely, she is just one of those annoying late people...the best thing to do is make sure there isn't jut you two going out and just carry on without her if she is more than 10 minutes late....she'll soon wise up, and maybe you should have a life without being at her beck and call
doesnt sound a very good friend. but you could try inviting her to come where ever you go an hour early? then she would arive ontime. the other problem is a dilemma, you coudl try going to talk with her friend too, or just tell her when she does this you get bord and ask her why she doesnt invite you in. if she turns hostile, she not worth the hastle!
Well when you plan something with this friend just plan on meeting an hour earlier than what you really want to meet. That way when you get there at the time you really want to meet your friend will be there. As for the front door deal, tell her you thought it was rude or maybe just try doing it to her sometime.
arrange to meet an hour before you really want to meet, that way she'll always be on time
People that are perpetually late are very shallow individuals and oftentimes are only thinking about themselves. Be the adult here and explain to your friend that you do not appreciate being kept waiting and if this doesn't work then discontinue friendship !
if its a regular occuring thing, then obviously they cant be bothered, so if i were you, id pay more attention to your other mates, let him/her do all the running for a bit!!!
As a person who is habitually 15 minutes late to EVERYTHING I don't know that she's doing it to be hurtful to you. If she treats you like crap all the time and shows never shows any respect, then you should probably sit her down and have a talk. If she doesn't like it, then ditch her. Lots of friends out there just waiting to happen.
u shld tell her nt to do like this or jst gv a tont and say this to her.
ask why she keeps doing that,ask her if she even cares.
I had a mate like that, arrange to meet earlier and don't turn up.But she must be a good friend for this to have developed into a problem.her good points obviously outweigh her bad ones.You could try the ancient art of communication, tell her.
well you need to go pick her up or tell her you will meet her at the club or party you and her are going to. and it seem like she isn't a true friend. find someone else to go out with
I have a friend that is always late....and I mean all the time. And not just with me but even with her husband and family too. So we decided that when ever we are to go somewhere or if she and I make plans, then I lie to her about the time.....If we have to be somewhere at 9 then I will tell her the time is 8. That way we are on time or at least closer. Good Luck !!!!
Your friend is really bothering you a lot. She shows up late (at least 1 hour) and leaves you hanging while she is talking to another friend. This issue needs to be addressed by you. Talk to your friend and tell her the truth and nothing but the truth. She might not even realize that her being late and leaving you hanging is eating you up inside. Once you've addressed the issue with her, you'll feel so much better. I hope this helps. Good luck.
She is rude and selfish so the only way to combat that is to do like she does. Next time you have plans and she is late just dont answer the door. Later on tell her you couldn't wait for her anymore. So this way she will be inconvenienced driving over and she can see how it feels. Next time she leaves you sitting waiting for her just get up, grab your stuff and leave. Tell her you didn't come there to sit in her house alone.
Obviously, this person doesn't respect your friendship. Pull back a bit (don't make yourself so available) and see what hapens - you'll know what to do by your friends response to your distance.
The easiest way to deal with it is to ask her "why she thinks your time is so worthless??" - her response will probably be, that she is busy and you should be understanding. If she gets better - great, if she continues the behavior and you still want to keep the relationship try the following:

Make plans to meet at a certain time. If she is not there within 15 minutes of the planned time, then continue on without her and just have fun on your own or with other people. If she complains, tell her you waited, but needed to do other things as well.
just leave for what ever event you are going to sooner or later she will realize she has to go places alone because she is late.
well there are people that is always late, and that doesn't mean they don't care, but for the other things you say, sounds like she is not really your friend.

Try this, tell her you will see her at the mall (for example) and give her 15 minutes, then leave.

Or just tell her how you feel, honesty is always the best policy
She may think it fashionable to always be late to events. But it really is very rude in most instances. Tell her it can't be tolerated or else you'll have to make do with other, more thoughtful friends
get her to meet at yours 1 hour before your ready so she may turn up on time, as for her friend thing well that's just rude how good is this mate.
Turn up late at her house or meeting point - better still don't turn up at all - she'll soon get the messsage!
Next time you arrange to go out, give her 15mins grace.Tell her you will wait for 15mins and no more. Arrange to go with someone else as well. When she shows up late don't be there and dont answer the phone. Next time you talk to her brush it off like there wasn't a problem. Keep doing that until she realises that she will cease to have a social life with you until she bucks her ideas up.
