Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?

I am almost 2 weeks late and every test say negative? Whats wrong?

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?performing arts center

I would consider getting the book Taking CHarge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler...

It really explains how to understand what your body is telling you...I charted using the FAM (fertility awarness method) described in the book for 3 months prior to TTC (trying to conceive)...We suceeded our first try... I was ovulating late, between 14 %26amp; 21 days into my cycle...and it was changing from month to month...

See lots of things can delay ovulation, but once the egg has been released there is usually a pretty set number of days until you start your period usually between 12 -16 days, called the Luteal Phase...I averaged about 12 days from ovulation to mensturation.

It could be that you ovulated very late this month, are indeed pregnant but it is too soon to register on the HPT...OR...You are not pregnant, but you still ovulated late, making it seem as though your period is late, when really you are still in your luteal phase...

Either way charting using the FAM method can help to to either achieve pregnancy or help you to avoid it depending on what your goal is...Check it out!

Why do I keep getting a BFN if my period is so late?sunshine opera theater

idk but im almost a week late and all my test say negative too!
im always late doesnt mean your pregnant hun it just depends

could depend on sleep or diet, etc
Are you usually late?

Possible reasons: delayed ovulation due to stress, hormone fluctuations, other possible problems (PCOS/PCOD)

Hopefully, the pregnancy hormone hasn't shown up in your urine yet...although likely it would have by now. You can wait or you could call your dr. and get a blood test if you really want to know asap.

Good luck!
Because you are stressing and delaying your period. I missed my preiod for almost a 4 weeks because I was sure I was pregnant but it was actually all in my head. Relax.
It may mean you have a low amount of the pregnancy hormone Try the First Response test if you have not yet and if you have then go see the doc about a blood test. Good Luck hope you are!
Go see a doctor to see what it could be!

Check this out:

I thought I had a "weird period" in dec and january....I took tests that said BFN

Missed my period for februaury....took a test that said BFP

Went to the doctor ...not only was I pregnant, I was 11 weeks already!!!

So the best thing is to see the GYN asap.

Hope you get the outcome you wished for ;-)

Good luck Mama.

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