Saturday, December 5, 2009

3 days late. Still getting negative pregnancy test. Could it be too early to show positive yet?

How many negatives did you get before finally getting a positive result. How long did it take?

3 days late. Still getting negative pregnancy test. Could it be too early to show positive yet?imax theatre

Im about 3-5 days late too . . . when was the date of your last period?? supposed to be 2 weeks after missed period

3 days late. Still getting negative pregnancy test. Could it be too early to show positive yet?performing show opera theater

I got mine right before I missed my period. But....I would wait a couple days and test again. Also look for the lightest line.
it completely depends on when it implanted in the uterus. I would say that you should test again in about 2 days if nothing then wait again for another few days.

I got a negative at 8dpo then a positive at 10dpo... but it was also 5 days before my missed period. I have a 35 day cycle so I ovulate later than normal.
I didn't get a positive reading until I was 5 days late. I had started testing five days before I missed my period. You could try and get a blood test done. Those give sooner, more reliable results.
Unfortunately different women and different pregnancies test differently. It may be too early for you, and it is possible that you won't get a positive hpt and you will have to get a blood test done instead.

I was a lucky one who tested positive the day after I missed with my first and was positive 4 days before missed period the second time.
i would wait a few more days. give it a week then if you still get a negative and have not started then i'd go see my dr. the blood test will say for sure or not.

good luck.
Some pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others. Tests such as generic wal-mart, among others need a higher hcg level to test positive, so you would have to be farther along. While others will test positive with a lower hcg level, so you could be this early. Usually the ones that say you can get early results (ie first day after missed period) would be accurate where you are at. So you could either wait a while or find a more sensitive test (you can find sites that will tell you which test will give accurate results this early.) Either way if you feel the test is wrong, wait and try again.

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