Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?

This is my situation i am six days late and i have no sign of me getting my period i usually get cramps and my breast get hard, but this time nothing at all..i have been having sexual relationships with my husband without protection but he has been PULLING OUT and we all know that really doesnt work ! may i be pregnant or should i wait ?? I got my period on March 20th and I was supposed to get it on the 16th .

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?movie theatre

maybe your pregnant

I am 6 days late and no signal of getting my period?playhouse opera theater

congrats maybe u and ur big daddy mite be havin a baby
Don't panic yet. But if after 14 days no sign prepare for baby.
Take a test. That is the only way to find out.
dont panic ive been late b4 it could be ur body changing but then u could wait bit longer if u still think ur pregnant then take a test
Well if your period was March 20th and due again on April 16th, that means that your cycle would be 27 days and that would put you at about April 2nd or 3rd for ovulation. Do you remember if you had sex around those days? Remember, you can have sex up to 5 days before ovulation and still get pregnant, even if he pulled out. As you said, pulling out isn't 100% effective at all and sperm can live up to 5 days inside your vaginal tract. If you're 6 days late, you can definately get a test and test now. If its negative and you still don't get your period, I woiuld take another test in a few more days because its possible your hcg levels just aren't high enough yet to register. Don't be too worried though. You sound really upset and scared about this but you're married. If you are, be happy.
ooooooooo it sounds like ur pregnant yay! I don't know your situation but so far yay!!

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