Thursday, December 10, 2009

I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?

I was supposed to start my period on 1/13/07, I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came back negative. I have had a little whitish discharge but not a lot. The last two days I have been very moody and weepy. My husband and I would love to be pregnant and I was convinced I was, because the last couple of weeks I have been exhausted and "just had that feeling". Now after another negative reading, I'm beginning to think it must all be in my head. I have never been this late before. I have a Dr. appt Monday, hoping a blood test might give me the answer we're hoping for. Any thoughts?

I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?opera music

It is very common if you want badly to get pregnant for people to interpret signs into those of pregnancy. So don't get your hopes up from thoses alone, they are also signs of PMS. At the Dr. they will probably also do a urine test first, so be prepared for that. But remember just because the urine test results are negative, it doesn't mean you are not pregnant. Blood tests would be your best bet. Good luck! I hope you are pregnant, or get that way soon.

I am a week late and keep getting negative hpt?opera sheet music opera theater


blood test is required
Hope for the best. It could be many reason why you are late. Maybe stress, maybe your body changing, maybe you are pregnant...what ever it is you will find out on Monday. Best of luck, Baby dust to you!
Stress? You're putting yourself under a lot of pressure and thats a sure way to wreck havoc on your body.

Talk to the doc on Monday and try not to worry in the interim.
you are doing all you can with going for a blood test, you could always do some more hpt over the weekend but it would just wait til monday as it will be quite expensive if you do this,

All I can say is good luck and I hope you and your husband get all that you want!
i was 3 weeks late and is was just late ovulation
I am the same I am a week late and have had two negative results, I am usually regular, I have been moody, and weepy, tired, and felt sick. I went to the doctor and he was very un helpful, he said that the pregnancy tests are so good he does not think i am pregnant, he did not even offer to do a test for me. I dont know what to do. It makes me think its all in my head!

Let us know what doc says to you on monday, GOOD LUCK!!!
you'll just have to wait until the blood test. those are the most accurate. that will put all your worries to rest. I hope you are. Good Luck.
I had a feeling i was pregnant and even dreamt of a foetus growing in my womb,after spending loads of cash on tests and them coming back negative i went to the doctors had a test and it came back positive.

Good Luck

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