Saturday, December 5, 2009

It is getting harder for me to make house pmt, I am 60 have a job have never been late .. dont make

i have had place 5 yrs.. I spk to Chase bank was told no derferments..I struggle each month. I have no place to home is old %26amp; not the best of shape ..I need a plan or options?

what if anything can I do before its to late..I just think something can be done.. but what ..?

It is getting harder for me to make house pmt, I am 60 have a job have never been late .. dont make a lot of $sunshine

If you have some equity in your home, you may try to refinance it at a lower rate. If your mortgage is one that you have had for a long time, you may be able to refinance the balance over more years at a better rate of interest.

Start thinking about other bills that you have that can be lowered by either paying them off with a new loan or only making the minimum payments on all credit accounts except for the one with the highest rates and pay that first and then the next and keep going down the line.

A lady where I work is nearly 70 and had 18 credit card accounts. 4 of these were with the same company.

I helped her combine these 4 all into one card. (and one payment) Now we are moving the remaining 14 cards into as little as 5 cards.

When she is done, her minimum payments will be significantly lower and she can apply the savings to bringing down her debt load.

Another step is to economize. The only way to do this is to actually budget to see where your money is going. You may be surprised how much discretionary spending is taking place that you don't realize because it is just a little each day, but adds up to thousands per year.

Turn your water heater down to 110 degrees. Most come pre-set at 140 and it takes a lot of energy to keep this up.

Keep your heating and/or air conditioner filters clean and start performing a few small maintenance tasks if you can. It takes time for a house to fall into disrepair and time and money to maintain it.

It is getting harder for me to make house pmt, I am 60 have a job have never been late .. dont make a lot of $star theater opera theater

Sell the house and move to an apartment, or struggle till you are 62 and do a reverse mortgage.

I don't want to sound rude, but without knowing more about your situation, this is the only two things I can think of.
Why cant you just take out a refinancing loan through a major credit union and put the house up as collateral? That way you could stretch payments out longer (even though interest would kill ya in the long run) and then you could pay less each month. At 60 I would be looking to retire soon and wouldnt worry about holding on to a house. I would sell it and maybe live in a cheap apartment for a little while if you dont have any savings or retirement plan and save money up (or start an online business like on ebay or something) and go to Mexico or Thailand or somewhere nice that is real cheap and live off of savings or social security.

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