Thursday, December 10, 2009

2 months late getting an u/s done scared not to be pregnant??

hi well im 2 months late on my period i took a blood test 6 days after my 1st missed period and it was neg. then i took a hpt 1 weeks after that and well it has been almoast 1/12 sence then , going to the dr . today but scared *** hell not to be pregnant becasue we have been trying for 1 almoast 2 now any advise or coment plzzz??

2 months late getting an u/s done scared not to be pregnant??concert tickets

If your blood test was negative, then you are not pregnant. Sorry, I'm sure it's hard but you'll have to keep trying. Have you been to a fertility clinic to see if there is something you can do to help it along?

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