Thursday, December 10, 2009

Long term relationship: She stays out late. I do not and getting frustrated. How can we get through

She works a retail job with an odd schedule. I work as computer programmer with a set schedule and weekends off. I goto bed at Midnight and wake up at 8-8:30am every day and I am also a light sleeper.

Lately, she has been going out with her friends at night then coming home around 2-3am, maybe usually once a week, sometimes twice. She always invites me out but I don't like staying out late in the middle of the week because of work. Usually she hasn't been going out this often. I am starting to get frustrated by being woken up when I hear the key hit the door and she drags herself to the bed then passes out, leaving me wide awake for another hour. The following work day, I'm tired and it is difficult to concentrate on my work.

We've lived together for a few years now and I feel like we communicate very well. With this topic however, she tells me that she understands how I feel but will not compromise because she likes going out with her friends and have fun.

Long term relationship: She stays out late. I do not and getting frustrated. How can we get through this?opera mobile

Ask her if she could make it a point to come in a little quieter. Have separate bedrooms. Put your foot down and tell her it's unacceptable. Leave her.

Long term relationship: She stays out late. I do not and getting frustrated. How can we get through this?imax theatre opera theater

Tell her to do this on the weekends when you DO have off, or else pack her crap up and toss it out the door!
tell her she coudl be a bit more quiet when she comes home. it's call being courteous.
try talking to her again. tell her how you feel and tell her it sucks. tell her that its okay for her to be out, but you would like for her to be more considerate coming in and out because you are sleeping. if it still keeps going on, you should consider moving out.
Find another room or bed to sleep in, if you have two rooms make one room yours and comfortable so she can sleep on her own. You have to make her understand that you don't like what she is doing, keep telling her and it will sink in.
Then you have to decide if the issue is a deal breaker for you or not...or perhaps separate bedrooms so she can pass out w/o disturbing you.

She's a party're a more sedate guess would be that this isn't going to work out too much longer...y'all aren't on the same page and apparently compromise isn't on the horizon...
Ok if you guys have time for eachother and go out a lot on dates every now and often then it's ok you just trust her staying out late, or you worry for her safety but you have to trust that she's doing things right. Now if your long term relationship isn't that great then your best bet is to talk to her about it and let her know look I don't want to seem like aboss or nothing cause your your own women but I really don't like you staying out late like that because I worry about you a lot and care for you.
ask her nicely if she could please not go out that late for her safety. or not just tell her to another room or something
I'd get married, have kids, and then get a divorce.

I work graves, 4 on 3 off. People find it funny that after work on my friday I go have a beer and dinner/breakfast.... My body is adjusted to this. I wake up at 2 am somedays on my day off and eat.... its normal lunch time to me.

Only simple solution, on the nights when you are asleep, have her sleep in a different bed. When your bed is cold enough at night, maybe you will 1. look for someone with a different work schedule, or 2. Enjoy that she comes home everynight...and loves you.
Well she just let you know how much respect she has for you. If she is going to stay out late then maybe she should stay over night with a friend,come home earlier when going out,or hit the road because she wont respect the fact that you need sleep in order to work the next day. I hope your not married yet because this would be a bigger problem. I hope you resolve this.
Think about it this way either you go out with her once a week and sleep when she sleep or you stay home go to sleep and continue to be tired at work any way you lose sleep at least lose your sleep having some fun. You can even be the designated driver so you don't over sleep or have any hangovers.
then tell her how you feel, maybe she can limit it to just once a week if she's gotta do it, and be with you the rest of the week, but try comprimising with her, maybe join her and just not stay out as late, show her you want to work with her, or you will grow apart
i know what you are going through i have been there myself.if you talk to her and it doesnt stop trust me it will only get worse and you will end up with a broken heart so leave and stop torturing yourself she doesnt even try to have a conversation with you when she gets home that tells you she does not care about your deserve better.

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