Thursday, December 10, 2009

Three days late and getting negative test?

Ok long story short, im three days late i have very very regular periods i know what day im starting to almost knowing if itsgoing to be in the morning or at night. I took a test this morning. I didn't have a whole lot of pee but i took it anyways and it came out negative! Has anyone had that happen to them then waitied a few days and it came out positive??? Any advice would really help thanks!

Three days late and getting negative test?theater

im 11

Three days late and getting negative test?london theatre opera theater

congratulations. . .yu'll be a mommy!!!!!!
just take it again in a week. if you are positive then congrats.
as lon as ur neg, ur not pg, ur just nervoous tmaybe that y ur late
I think OTC test are pretty sensitive now, but you could go to the doctor and have a blood test. I would think the doctor would advise that you wait at least a week. It took me 6 months to conceive. The best thing to do is relax and practice a lot!
Yes take another test in a few more days and congrats
yea just wait a couple days and it could be pos then
you need to wait till ur at least 7 days late. i just recently found out i was pregnant n like u my periods r regular as wel.l i was trying to conceive but i have a stubborn cant make up his mind 53 yr old so i gave up n then suddenly im pregnant. my mom says stress adds 2 periods being late as well, so just wait a few more days . congrats if u r pregnant.
You just have to wait a little longer, the main thing is to make sure youre at least 15 dpo...
Could be stress, hormones, meds, among other things. Could be too early to tell. With my last one I took a test on a Tues because I was a couple days late and it was neg then again that Friday and it was +++.

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