Saturday, December 5, 2009

I am 3 days late...i have been getting cramps around th day it was sposed to come ...?

i havent had much sex but it was all protected every time anyway...

i have taken several pregnancy tests after the day my period was sposed to come and everythings negative.

im still getting cramps...

stress has been an issue..

but whats going on ?

I am 3 days late...i have been getting cramps around th day it was sposed to come ...?ballet

If you have been stressed then that is probably it just relax and give it a few more days if not then go see a doctor.

I am 3 days late...i have been getting cramps around th day it was sposed to come ...?globe theater opera theater

Since you're stressing out...that can make your period late. Just try and relax. Test again in a few days or call your doctor and get a blood test. Good luck.
well mabe it is about to come on again mabe you should tells some one or go tell a doctor or something
Seeing that cramps usually come with your period, its just that, stress will make you late. Give it a day or two and you'll start
Stress... It does funny things to a woman's cycle. At this point, no amount of worry will help. You either are pregnant or are not. You could go to the doctor and get a blood test. That will be the most accurate way.
Did you account for February being a short month? If your peroid is regular, than you could be a couple days late. Stress doesn't help either. Relax, mine hasn't come yet either and I was supposed to get yesterday. Drink a cup of tea (for the cramps :) ) , sit back and relax. It comes eventually.

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